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Introducing sustainability into university curricula: an indicator and baseline survey of the views of university teachers at the University of Valencia P Aznar Minguet, MP Martinez‐Agut, B Palacios, A Pinero, MA Ull Environmental Education Research 17 (2), 145-166, 2011 | 209 | 2011 |
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Effect of heat and cold treatments on respiratory metabolism and shelf-life of sweet cherry, type picota cv “Ambrunés” R Alique, JP Zamorano, MA Martínez, J Alonso Postharvest Biology and Technology 35 (2), 153-165, 2005 | 133 | 2005 |
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Education for sustainable development in early childhood education in Spain. Evolution, trends and proposals MPM Agut, MA Ull, PA Minguet European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 22 (2), 213-228, 2014 | 65 | 2014 |
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