دنبال کردن
Stephen P. Zeldes
Stephen P. Zeldes
Frank R. Lautenberg Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Grad School of Business, Columbia Univ
ایمیل تأیید شده در gsb.columbia.edu - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Consumption and liquidity constraints: An empirical investigation
SP Zeldes
The Journal of Political Economy 97 (2), 305-346, 1989
Precautionary saving and social insurance
RG Hubbard, J Skinner, SP Zeldes
Journal of Political Economy 103 (2), 360-399, 1995
The consumption of stockholders and nonstockholders
NG Mankiw, SP Zeldes
Journal of Financial Economics 29 (1), 97-112, 1991
Do the rich save more?
KE Dynan, J Skinner, SP Zeldes
Journal of Political Economy 112 (2), 397-444, 2004
Optimal consumption with stochastic income: Deviations from certainty equivalence
SP Zeldes
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 104 (2), 275, 1989
How do household portfolio shares vary with age?
J Ameriks, SP Zeldes
Working paper, Columbia University, 2004
The importance of precautionary motives in explaining individual and aggregate saving
RG Hubbard, J Skinner, SP Zeldes
Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 40, 59-125, 1994
Ricardian consumers with Keynesian propensities
RB Barsky, NG Mankiw, SP Zeldes
The American Economic Review 76 (4), 676-691, 1986
The importance of bequests and life-cycle saving in capital accumulation: A new answer
KE Dynan, J Skinner, SP Zeldes
The American Economic Review 92 (2), 274-278, 2002
Would a Privatized Social Security System Really Pay a Higher Rate of Return?
J Geanakoplos, OS Mitchell, SP Zeldes
Framing the Social Security Debate: Values, Politics, and Economics; R …, 1998
Expanding the life-cycle model: Precautionary saving and public policy
RG Hubbard, J Skinner, SP Zeldes
American Economic Review 84 (2), 174-79, 1994
Rational ponzi games
SA O'Connell, SP Zeldes
International Economic Review 29 (3), 431-450, 1988
Seasonality, cost shocks, and the production smoothing model of inventories
JA Miron, SP Zeldes
Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 877-908, 1988
Social Security Money's Worth
J Geanakoplos, OS Mitchell, SP Zeldes
Prospects for Social Security Reform, 79-151, 1999
Social Security Privatization: A Structure for Analysis
OS Mitchell, SP Zeldes
The American Economic Review 86 (2), 363-367, 1996
How Should Public Pension Plans Invest?
D Lucas, S Zeldes
The American Economic Review 99 (2), 527-532, 2009
What makes annuitization more appealing?
J Beshears, JJ Choi, D Laibson, BC Madrian, SP Zeldes
Journal of public economics 116, 2-16, 2014
Valuing and hedging defined benefit pension obligations—The role of stocks revisited
D Lucas, SP Zeldes
Northwestern University and Columbia University, working paper, September, 2006
Cost saving and the freezing of corporate pension plans
JD Rauh, I Stefanescu, SP Zeldes
Journal of Public Economics 188, 104211, 2020
Market Valuation of Accrued Social Security Benefits
J Geanakoplos, SP Zeldes
Measuring and Managing Federal Financial Risk, Deborah Lucas, editor, 213-233, 2010
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مقاله‌ها 1–20