دنبال کردن
Andrew J. Felton
Andrew J. Felton
Assistant professor of ecology, Montana State University
ایمیل تأیید شده در montana.edu - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Integrating plant ecological responses to climate extremes from individual to ecosystem levels
AJ Felton, MD Smith
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Underappreciated problems of low replication in ecological field studies
NP Lemoine, A Hoffman, AJ Felton, L Baur, F Chaves, J Gray, Q Yu, ...
Ecology 97 (10), 2554-2561, 2016
Precipitation–productivity relationships and the duration of precipitation anomalies: An underappreciated dimension of climate change
AJ Felton, AK Knapp, MD Smith
Global Change Biology 27 (6), 1127-1140, 2021
Precipitation amount and event size interact to reduce ecosystem functioning during dry years in a mesic grassland
AJ Felton, IJ Slette, MD Smith, AK Knapp
Global Change Biology 26 (2), 658-668, 2020
Semiarid ecosystem sensitivity to precipitation extremes: weak evidence for vegetation constraints
AJ Felton, S Zavislan‐Pullaro, MD Smith
Ecology 100 (2), e02572, 2019
A reality check for climate change experiments: do they reflect the real world?
AK Knapp, CJW Carroll, RJ Griffin‐Nolan, IJ Slette, FA Chaves, L Baur, ...
Ecology, 2018
Ecoevolutionary dynamics of carbon cycling in the anthropocene
JG Monroe, DW Markman, WS Beck, AJ Felton, ML Vahsen, Y Pressler
Trends in ecology & evolution 33 (3), 213-225, 2018
Extreme drought impacts have been underestimated in grasslands and shrublands globally
MD Smith, KD Wilkins, MC Holdrege, P Wilfahrt, SL Collins, AK Knapp, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (4), e2309881120, 2024
Plant responses to changing rainfall frequency and intensity
AF Feldman, X Feng, AJ Felton, AG Konings, AK Knapp, JA Biederman, ...
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 5 (4), 276-294, 2024
Carbon exchange responses of a mesic grassland to an extreme gradient of precipitation
AJ Felton, AK Knapp, MD Smith
Oecologia 189, 565-576, 2019
Harnessing the NEON data revolution to advance open environmental science with a diverse and data‐capable community
RC Nagy, JK Balch, EK Bissell, ME Cattau, NF Glenn, BS Halpern, ...
Ecosphere 12 (12), e03833, 2021
Relationships between aboveground and belowground trait responses of a dominant plant species to alterations in watertable depth
W Mao, AJ Felton, Y Ma, T Zhang, Z Sun, X Zhao, MD Smith
Land Degradation & Development 29 (11), 4015-4024, 2018
Biotic vs abiotic controls on temporal sensitivity of primary production to precipitation across North American drylands
AJ Felton, RK Shriver, JB Bradford, KN Suding, BW Allred, PB Adler
New Phytologist 231 (6), 2150-2161, 2021
Plants with lengthened phenophases increase their dominance under warming in an alpine plant community
J Chen, Y Luo, Y Chen, AJ Felton, KA Hopping, RW Wang, S Niu, ...
Science of the Total Environment 728, 138891, 2020
Timing and magnitude of drought impacts on carbon uptake across a grassland biome
AJ Felton, GR Goldsmith
Global Change Biology 29 (10), 2790-2803, 2023
Linking changes to intraspecific trait diversity to community functional diversity and biomass in response to snow and nitrogen addition within an Inner Mongolian grassland
W Mao, AJ Felton, T Zhang
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 339, 2017
Climate disequilibrium dominates uncertainty in long‐term projections of primary productivity
AJ Felton, RK Shriver, M Stemkovski, JB Bradford, KN Suding, PB Adler
Ecology Letters 25 (12), 2688-2698, 2022
Post-fire co-stimulation of gross primary production and ecosystem respiration in a meadow grassland on the Tibetan Plateau
D Wang, J Chen, AJ Felton, L Xia, Y Zhang, Y Luo, X Cheng, J Cao
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 303, 108388, 2021
Limiting similarity mediates plant community niche hypervolume across a desert-steppe ecotone of Inner Mongolia
W Mao, X Zhao, Z Sun, AJ Felton, T Zhang, Y Li, MD Smith
Environmental and experimental botany 153, 320-326, 2018
Drought has inconsistent effects on seed trait composition despite their strong association with ecosystem drought sensitivity
W Luo, RJ Griffin‐Nolan, AJ Felton, Q Yu, H Wang, H Zhang, Z Wang, ...
Functional Ecology 36 (11), 2690-2700, 2022
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20