دنبال کردن
Serhat Yesilyurt
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Nitrogen front evolution in purged polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell with dead-ended anode
JB Siegel, SV Bohac, AG Stefanopoulou, S Yesilyurt
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 157 (7), B1081, 2010
The effect of the traveling magnetic field (TMF) on the buoyancy-induced convection in the vertical Bridgman growth of semiconductors
S Yesilyurt, S Motakef, R Grugel, K Mazuruk
Journal of crystal growth 263 (1-4), 80-89, 2004
Surrogates for numerical simulations; optimization of eddy-promoter heat exchangers
S Yeşilyurt, AT Patera
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 121 (1), 231-257, 1995
A numerical investigation of the effect of thermoelectromagnetic convection (TEMC) on the Bridgman growth of Ge1− xSix
S Yesilyurt, L Vujisic, S Motakef, FR Szofran, MP Volz
Journal of Crystal Growth 207 (4), 278-291, 1999
Modeling and Experiments of Voltage Transients of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells With the Dead-Ended Anode
S Yesilyurt, JB Siegel, AG Stefanopoulou
Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology 9, 021012, 2012
Transient Analysis of Proton Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) at Start‐Up and Failure
MF Serincan, S Yesilyurt
Fuel Cells 7 (2), 118-127, 2007
Effects of geometric parameters on swimming of micro organisms with single helical flagellum in circular channels
A Acemoglu, S Yesilyurt
Biophysical journal 106 (7), 1537-1547, 2014
Magnetically actuated micro swimming of bio-inspired robots in mini channels
FZ Temel, S Yesilyurt
Mechatronics (ICM), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, 342-347, 2011
Effects of wind gusts on a vertical axis wind turbine with high solidity
AO Onol, S Yesilyurt
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 162, 1-11, 2017
Bayesian-validated surrogates for noisy computer simulations; application to random media
S Yeşilyurt, CK Ghaddar, ME Cruz, AT Patera
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 17 (4), 973-992, 1996
A pseudo three-dimensional, two-phase, non-isothermal model of proton exchange membrane fuel cell
OB Rizvandi, S Yesilyurt
Electrochimica Acta 302, 180-197, 2019
Characterization and modeling of biomimetic untethered robots swimming in viscous fluids inside circular channels
FZ Temel, AG Erman, S Yesilyurt
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 19 (5), 1562-1573, 2014
Sliding mode control based disturbance compensation and external force estimation for a piezoelectric actuator
K Abidi, A Sabanovic, S Yesilyurt
The 8th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, 2004. AMC'04 …, 2004
Impacts of inhomogeneous clamping force on local performance and liquid water formation in polymer electrolyte fuel cells
M Mehrtash, İ Tari, S Yesilyurt
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (30), 19227-19245, 2017
Improved Kinematic Models for Two-Link Helical Micro/Nanoswimmers
AF Tabak, S Yesilyurt
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 30 (1), 14-25, 2014
Endüstriyel tav fırınlarında ısı denkliği hesaplamaları ve enerji verimliliğinin belirlenmesi
GK Ertem, B Çelik, S Yeşilyurt
Ege Üniversitesi, 2008
Modeling and performance analysis of branched microfluidic fuel cells with high utilization
OB Rizvandi, S Yesilyurt
Electrochimica Acta 318, 169-180, 2019
Computationally-validated surrogate models for optimal geometric design of bio-inspired swimming robots: Helical swimmers
AF Tabak, S Yesilyurt
Computers & Fluids 99, 190-198, 2014
Simulation-based analysis of micro-robots swimming at the center and near the wall of circular mini-channels
FZ Temel, S Yesilyurt
Microfluidics and nanofluidics 14, 287-298, 2013
Effects of poiseuille flows on swimming of magnetic helical robots in circular channels
A Acemoglu, S Yesilyurt
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 19 (5), 1109-1122, 2015
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مقاله‌ها 1–20