دنبال کردن
Francesca Sacco
Francesca Sacco
Department of Biology, University of Rome Tor Vergata
ایمیل تأیید شده در uniroma2.it
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
MINT, the molecular interaction database: 2012 update
L Licata, L Briganti, D Peluso, L Perfetto, M Iannuccelli, E Galeota, ...
Nucleic acids research 40 (D1), D857-D861, 2012
The human phosphatase interactome: An intricate family portrait
F Sacco, L Perfetto, L Castagnoli, G Cesareni
FEBS letters 586 (17), 2732-2739, 2012
VirusMINT: a viral protein interaction database
A Chatr-Aryamontri, A Ceol, D Peluso, A Nardozza, S Panni, F Sacco, ...
Nucleic acids research 37 (suppl_1), D669-D673, 2009
Clinical characteristics and outcomes of invasively ventilated patients with COVID-19 in Argentina (SATICOVID): a prospective, multicentre cohort study
E Estenssoro, CI Loudet, FG Ríos, VSK Edul, G Plotnikow, M Andrian, ...
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 9 (9), 989-998, 2021
The SH2 domain interaction landscape
M Tinti, L Kiemer, S Costa, ML Miller, F Sacco, JV Olsen, M Carducci, ...
Cell reports 3 (4), 1293-1305, 2013
Adipogenesis of skeletal muscle fibro/adipogenic progenitors is affected by the WNT5a/GSK3/β-catenin axis
A Reggio, M Rosina, A Palma, A Cerquone Perpetuini, LL Petrilli, ...
Cell Death & Differentiation 27 (10), 2921-2941, 2020
COVID19 Disease Map, a computational knowledge repository of virus–host interaction mechanisms
M Ostaszewski, A Niarakis, A Mazein, I Kuperstein, R Phair, ...
Molecular systems biology 17 (10), e10387, 2021
Glucose-regulated and drug-perturbed phosphoproteome reveals molecular mechanisms controlling insulin secretion
F Sacco, SJ Humphrey, J Cox, M Mischnik, A Schulte, T Klabunde, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13250, 2016
Deep proteomics of breast cancer cells reveals that metformin rewires signaling networks away from a pro-growth state
F Sacco, A Silvestri, D Posca, S Pirrò, PF Gherardini, L Castagnoli, ...
Cell Systems 2 (3), 159-171, 2016
MiT/TFE factors control ER‐phagy via transcriptional regulation of FAM 134B
L Cinque, C De Leonibus, M Iavazzo, N Krahmer, D Intartaglia, ...
The EMBO journal 39 (17), e105696, 2020
Phosphoproteomics reveals the GSK3-PDX1 axis as a key pathogenic signaling node in diabetic islets
F Sacco, A Seelig, SJ Humphrey, N Krahmer, F Volta, A Reggio, ...
Cell metabolism 29 (6), 1422-1432. e3, 2019
Tumor suppressor density-enhanced phosphatase-1 (DEP-1) inhibits the RAS pathway by direct dephosphorylation of ERK1/2 kinases
F Sacco, M Tinti, A Palma, E Ferrari, AP Nardozza, RH van Huijsduijnen, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 284 (33), 22048-22058, 2009
IKAP: A heuristic framework for inference of kinase activities from Phosphoproteomics data
M Mischnik, F Sacco, J Cox, HC Schneider, M Schäfer, M Hendlich, ...
Bioinformatics 32 (3), 424-431, 2016
HuPho: the human phosphatase portal
S Liberti, F Sacco, A Calderone, L Perfetto, M Iannuccelli, S Panni, ...
The FEBS journal 280 (2), 379-387, 2013
The 4G10, pY20 and p-TYR-100 antibody specificity: profiling by peptide microarrays
M Tinti, AP Nardozza, E Ferrari, F Sacco, S Corallino, L Castagnoli, ...
New biotechnology 29 (5), 571-577, 2012
Fibro-adipogenic progenitors of dystrophic mice are insensitive to NOTCH regulation of adipogenesis
M Marinkovic, C Fuoco, F Sacco, AC Perpetuini, G Giuliani, E Micarelli, ...
Life Science Alliance 2 (3), 2019
Metabolic reprogramming of fibro/adipogenic progenitors facilitates muscle regeneration
A Reggio, M Rosina, N Krahmer, A Palma, LL Petrilli, G Maiolatesi, ...
Life science alliance 3 (3), 2020
The Cyclin-dependent kinase 1: more than a cell cycle regulator
G Massacci, L Perfetto, F Sacco
British Journal of Cancer 129 (11), 1707-1716, 2023
A dysprosium single molecule magnet outperforming current pseudocontact shift agents
FS Santana, M Perfetti, M Briganti, F Sacco, G Poneti, E Ravera, ...
Chemical Science 13 (20), 5860-5871, 2022
The cell-autonomous mechanisms underlying the activity of metformin as an anticancer drug
F Sacco, A Calderone, L Castagnoli, G Cesareni
British Journal of Cancer 115 (12), 1451-1456, 2016
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20