دنبال کردن
Chiara Torresan
Chiara Torresan
ایمیل تأیید شده در cnr.it - صفحهٔ اصلی
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نقل شده توسط
Forestry applications of UAVs in Europe: A review
C Torresan, A Berton, F Carotenuto, SF Di Gennaro, B Gioli, A Matese, ...
International journal of remote sensing 38 (8-10), 2427-2447, 2017
Aboveground biomass density models for NASA’s Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) lidar mission
L Duncanson, JR Kellner, J Armston, R Dubayah, DM Minor, S Hancock, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 270, 112845, 2022
Airborne Laser Scanning to support forest resource management under alpine, temperate and Mediterranean environments in Italy
P Corona, R Cartisano, R Salvati, G Chirici, A Floris, P Di Martino, ...
European Journal of Remote Sensing 45 (1), 27-37, 2012
Estimation of standing wood volume in forest compartments by exploiting airborne laser scanning information: model-based, design-based, and hybrid perspectives
P Corona, L Fattorini, S Franceschi, G Scrinzi, C Torresan
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44 (11), 1303-1311, 2014
Importance of tree species size dominance and heterogeneity on the productivity of spruce-fir-beech mountain forest stands in Europe
C Torresan, M del Río, T Hilmers, M Notarangelo, K Bielak, F Binder, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 457, 117716, 2020
A new generation of sensors and monitoring tools to support climate-smart forestry practices
C Torresan, M Benito Garzón, M O’grady, TM Robson, G Picchi, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51 (12), 1751-1765, 2021
Development and performance assessment of a low-cost UAV laser scanner system (LasUAV)
C Torresan, A Berton, F Carotenuto, U Chiavetta, F Miglietta, A Zaldei, ...
Remote sensing 10 (7), 1094, 2018
Individual tree crown segmentation in two-layered dense mixed forests from UAV LiDAR data
C Torresan, F Carotenuto, U Chiavetta, F Miglietta, A Zaldei, B Gioli
Drones 4 (2), 10, 2020
The role of knowledge management tools in supporting sustainable forest management
H Vacik, C Torresan, T Hujala, C Khadka, K Reynolds
Forest Systems 22 (3), 442-455, 2013
Using classification trees to predict forest structure types from LiDAR data
C Torresan, P Corona, G Scrinzi, JV Marsal
Annals of Forest Research 59 (2), 281-298, 2016
Estimating forest timber volume by means of “low-cost” LiDAR data
F Clementel, G Colle, C Farruggia, A Floris, G Scrinzi, C Torresan
Italian Journal of Remote Sensing 44 (1), 125-140, 2012
Hail defoliation assessment in corn (Zea mays L.) using airborne LiDAR
L Vescovo, D Gianelle, M Dalponte, F Miglietta, F Carotenuto, C Torresan
Field Crops Research 196, 426-437, 2016
Comparing statistical techniques to classify the structure of mountain forest stands using CHM-derived metrics in Trento province (Italy)
C Torresan, J Strunk, HSJ Zald, Y Zhiqiang, WB Cohen
European Journal of Remote Sensing 47 (1), 75-94, 2014
Modelling future growth of mountain forests under changing environments
M Bosela, K Merganičová, C Torresan, P Cherubini, M Fabrika, B Heinze, ...
Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions 223, 2022
Applying quantitative structure models to plot-based terrestrial laser data to assess dendrometric parameters in dense mixed forests
C Torresan, U Chiavetta, J Hackenberg
Forest Systems 27 (1), 1-15, 2018
Remote sensing technologies for assessing climate-smart criteria in mountain forests
C Torresan, S Luyssaert, G Filippa, M Imangholiloo, R Gaulton
Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions, 399-433, 2022
Stato dell'arte delle applicazioni laser scanning aereo a supporto della gestione delle risorse forestali in Italia
P Corona, M Marchetti, G Scrinzi, C Torresan
Proceedings of the 15th ASITA National Conference, Colorno, Italy, 15-18, 2011
Comparison of TLS against traditional surveying method for stem taper modelling. A case study in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests of mount Amiata
C Torresan, F Pelleri, MC Manetti, C Becagli, C Castaldi, M Notarangelo, ...
Ann. Silvic. Res 46, 128-140, 2021
Computer-based tools to support decisions in forest planning in Italy
L Portoghesi, C Torresan, I De Meo, A Floris, G Scrinzi
Computer-based tools for supporting forest management. The experience and …, 2014
Performance assessment of two plotless sampling methods for density estimation applied to some Alpine forests of northeastern Italy
M Notarangelo, M Carrer, E Lingua, N Puletti, C Torresan
iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 16 (6), 385, 2023
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مقاله‌ها 1–20