دنبال کردن
Lars Fallan
Lars Fallan
Professor emeritus at NTNU Business School and Norwegian School of Economics
ایمیل تأیید شده در ntnu.no
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نقل شده توسط
Tax knowledge and attitudes towards taxation; A report on a quasi-experiment
K Eriksen, L Fallan
Journal of economic psychology 17 (3), 387-402, 1996
Gender, exposure to tax knowledge, and attitudes towards taxation; an experimental approach
L Fallan
Journal of Business Ethics 18 (2), 173-184, 1999
Disciplinary differences in job satisfaction, self‐efficacy, goal commitment and organisational commitment among faculty employees in norwegian colleges: An empirical …
T Busch, L Fallan, A Pettersen
Quality in Higher Education 4 (2), 137-157, 1998
Voluntarism versus regulation: Lessons from public disclosure of environmental performance information in Norwegian companies
E Fallan, L Fallan
Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change 5 (4), 472-489, 2009
Corporate tax behaviour and environmental disclosure: Strategic trade-offs across elements of CSR?
E Fallan, L Fallan
Scandinavian Journal of Management 35 (3), 101042, 2019
Student self-efficacy and gender-personality interactions.
L Fallan, L Opstad
International journal of higher education 5 (3), 32-44, 2016
Beyond gender performance in accounting: Does personality distinction matter?
L Fallan, L Opstad
Accounting Education 23 (4), 343-361, 2014
Quality reform: Personality type, preferred learning style and majors in a business school
L Fallan
Quality in Higher Education 12 (2), 193-206, 2006
Adoption of tax planning instruments in business organizations: A structural equation modelling approach
L Fallan, R Hammervold, K Grønhaug
Scandinavian Journal of Management 11 (2), 177-190, 1995
Bedriftsøkonomiske atferdsteorier: endrede perspektiver på atferd, koordinering og organisering
L Fallan, IJ Pettersen
Fagbokforl., 2016
Multilevel framing: an alternative understanding of budget control in public enterprises
L Fallan, IJ Pettersen, JI Stemsrudhagen
Financial Accountability & Management 26 (2), 190-212, 2010
Student performance in principles of macroeconomics: the importance of gender and personality type
L Opstad, L Fallan
International Review of Economics Education 9 (1), 76-92, 2010
Mål og mening?–Om styringsdilemmaer i offentlig sektor
L Fallan, IJ Pettersen
Praktisk økonomi & finans 26 (1), 99-111, 2010
A longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis of volume and content of corporate environmental disclosure in Norwegian companies: A research note on innovativeness and adoption
E Fallan, L Fallan
Trondheim Business Schoole (Trondheim Økonomiske Høgskole) 5, 2007
Tar vi opp de rette studentene ved økonomisk-administrative studier?
L Opstad, H Bonesrønning, L Fallan
Samfunnsøkonomenes Forening, 2017
Abolition of statutory audit obligation of small limited liability companies in Norway. Should tax evasion Inclined industries be excepted?
E Fallan, S Antonsen, L Fallan, TE Olsen
Attitudes towards Study Effort Response to Higher Grading Standards: Do Gender and Personality Distinctions Matter?.
L Fallan, L Opstad
Journal of education and learning 1 (2), 179-187, 2012
Økonomistyring, skatter og verdsettelse: et kontraktperspektiv
L Fallan
Gyldendal akademisk, 2011
Understanding governance structures of accounting: Trust relationships, transaction costs, and the make‐or‐buy decision
L Fallan
Journal of Applied Accounting Research 6 (1), 52-84, 2000
Er regnskapsreguleringer avgjørende for kvaliteten på miljøinformasjon i årsrapporten? I T
E Fallan, L Fallan
Busch, JO Olaussen & IJ Pettersen (Red.), Bred og spiss, 133-154, 2017
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مقاله‌ها 1–20