On simulation model complexity L Chwif, MRP Barretto, RJ Paul 2000 winter simulation conference proceedings (Cat. No. 00CH37165) 1, 449-455, 2000 | 269 | 2000 |
A solution to the facility layout problem using simulated annealing L Chwif, MRP Barretto, LA Moscato Computers in industry 36 (1-2), 125-132, 1998 | 166 | 1998 |
Supply chain analysis: spreadsheet or simulation? L Chwif, MRP Barretto, E Saliby Proceedings of the winter simulation conference 1, 59-66, 2002 | 72 | 2002 |
Discrete event simulation model reduction: A causal approach L Chwif, RJ Paul, MRP Barretto Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 14 (7), 930-944, 2006 | 58 | 2006 |
Simulation models as an aid for the teaching and learning process in operations management Chwif, Barretto Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, 2003. 2, 1994-2000 vol. 2, 2003 | 58 | 2003 |
Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD): guia de implantação LR Garcia, E Aguilera-Fernandes, RAM Gonçalves, MR Pereira-Barretto Editora Blucher, 2020 | 57 | 2020 |
Metodology for selecting the best suitable bottleneck detection method E Lima, L Chwif, MRP Barreto 2008 Winter Simulation Conference, 1746-1751, 2008 | 45 | 2008 |
Simulation optimization with the linear move and exchange move optimization algorithm MRP Barretto, L Chwif, T Eldabi, RJ Paul Proceedings of the 31st conference on Winter simulation: Simulation---a …, 1999 | 24 | 1999 |
A heuristic approach to stowing general cargo into platform supply vessels MP Seixas, AB Mendes, MR Pereira Barretto, CB Da Cunha, MA Brinati, ... Journal of the Operational Research Society 67 (1), 148-158, 2016 | 22 | 2016 |
OPC and CORBA in manufacturing execution systems: a review PMPA Blanco, MA Poli, MRP Barretto EFTA 2003. 2003 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2003 | 15 | 2003 |
Assessment of student preparation for discrete event simulation courses L Chwif, MRP Barretto, RJ Paul Proceeding of the 2001 Winter Simulation Conference (Cat. No. 01CH37304) 2 …, 2001 | 10 | 2001 |
Adaptatividade em robôs sociáveis: uma proposta de um gerenciador de diálogos DA Alfenas, MR Pereira-Barretto Memórias do WTA 2012 Sexto Workshop de Tecnologia Adaptativa, 2012 | 9 | 2012 |
A inteligência corporal-cinestésica como manifestação da inteligência humana no comportamento de crianças MT Souza Campinas, SP, 2001 | 9* | 2001 |
Crawling to improve multimodal emotion detection DR Cueva, RAM Gonçalves, F Cozman, MR Pereira-Barretto Advances in Soft Computing: 10th Mexican International Conference on …, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
Combining the best of the two: an activity cycle diagram/condition specification approach L Chwif, RJ Paul, MRP Barreto Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference of the UK Simulation Society …, 1999 | 7 | 1999 |
Veículos autônomos de transporte e seus controles PE Miyagi, JC Adamowski, LA Moscato, J Okamoto Junior, MRP Barretto Anais: Sessoes Tecnicas, 1988 | 6 | 1988 |
A model for inference of emotional state based on facial expressions RAM Gonçalves, DR Cueva, MR Pereira-Barretto, FG Cozman Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 19, 3-13, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Model reduction: Some results L Chwif, MRP Barretto, MC Santoro Proceedings 31st Annual Simulation Symposium, 120-125, 1998 | 5 | 1998 |
Activity based scheduling simulator for product transport using pipeline networks D Shibata, D Alfenas, R Guiraldelli, MR Pereira-Barretto, F Marcellino Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 1-12, 2012 | 4 | 2012 |
Determinação da emoção demonstrada pelo interlocutor RAM Gonçalves, DR Cueva, MR Pereira-Barretto, FG Cozman Anais do XXXI CONGRESSO DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE COMPUTAÇÃO—Encontro …, 2011 | 4 | 2011 |