Spectral Correlation Mapper (SCM): An Improvement on the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) OA de Carvalho Jr, PR Meneses Summaries of the 9th JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop 9, 65-74, 2000 | 360 | 2000 |
Change detection of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon using landsat data and convolutional neural networks PP De Bem, OA de Carvalho Junior, R Fontes Guimarães, ... Remote Sensing 12 (6), 901, 2020 | 255 | 2020 |
Parameterization of soil properties for a model of topographic controls on shallow landsliding: application to Rio de Janeiro RF Guimarães, DR Montgomery, HM Greenberg, NF Fernandes, ... Engineering Geology 69 (1-2), 99-108, 2003 | 168 | 2003 |
A new approach to change vector analysis using distance and similarity measures OA Carvalho Júnior, RF Guimarães, AR Gillespie, NC Silva, RAT Gomes Remote Sensing 3 (11), 2473-2493, 2011 | 164 | 2011 |
Rice crop detection using LSTM, Bi-LSTM, and machine learning models from Sentinel-1 time series H Crisóstomo de Castro Filho, O Abílio de Carvalho Júnior, ... Remote Sensing 12 (16), 2655, 2020 | 146 | 2020 |
Dynamics of cattle production in Brazil C McManus, JOJ Barcellos, BK Formenton, PM Hermuche, ... PloS one 11 (1), e0147138, 2016 | 138 | 2016 |
Environmental considerations in energy planning for the Amazon region: Downstream effects of dams WV Manyari, OA de Carvalho Jr Energy Policy 35 (12), 6526-6534, 2007 | 122 | 2007 |
Avaliação qualitativa do potencial de erosão laminar em grandes áreas por meio da EUPS-Equação Universal de Perdas de Solos utilizando novas metodologias em SIG para os … M Farinasso, OA Carvalho Júnior, RF Guimarães, RAT Gomes, ... União da Geomorfologia Brasileira-UGB, 2006 | 121* | 2006 |
Karst depression detection using ASTER, ALOS/PRISM and SRTM-derived digital elevation models in the Bambuí Group, Brazil OA de Carvalho Júnior, RF Guimarães, DR Montgomery, AR Gillespie, ... Remote Sensing 6 (1), 330-351, 2013 | 112 | 2013 |
Instance segmentation for large, multi-channel remote sensing imagery using mask-RCNN and a mosaicking approach OLF Carvalho, OA de Carvalho Junior, AO Albuquerque, PP Bem, ... Remote Sensing 13 (1), 39, 2020 | 92 | 2020 |
Mapa pedológico digital-SIG atualizado do Distrito Federal escala 1: 100.000 e uma síntese do texto explicativo A Reatto, ÉS Martins, MFR Farias, AV Silva, OA Carvalho Júnior Embrapa Cerrados, 2004 | 90 | 2004 |
Geoprocessamento de modelos digitais de elevação para mapeamento da curvatura horizontal em microbacias M de Morisson Valeriano, OA de Carvalho Júnior Revista Brasileira de Geomorfologia 4 (1), 2003 | 88 | 2003 |
Combining spatial models for shallow landslides and debris-flows prediction RAT Gomes, RF Guimarães, OA De Carvalho Júnior, NF Fernandes, ... Remote Sensing 5 (5), 2219-2237, 2013 | 82 | 2013 |
Landscape-fragmentation change due to recent agricultural expansion in the Brazilian Savanna, Western Bahia, Brazil SN de Oliveira, OA de Carvalho Júnior, RAT Gomes, RF Guimarães, ... Regional environmental change 17, 411-423, 2017 | 81 | 2017 |
Radiometric normalization of temporal images combining automatic detection of pseudo-invariant features from the distance and similarity spectral measures, density scatterplot … OA de Carvalho Júnior, RF Guimarães, NC Silva, AR Gillespie, ... Remote Sensing 5 (6), 2763-2794, 2013 | 76 | 2013 |
Análise das mudanças do uso agrícola da terra a partir de dados de sensoriamento remoto multitemporal no município de Luis Eduardo Magalhães (BA-Brasil) AB Menke, OA Carvalho Junior, RAT Gomes, ÉS Martins, SN Oliveira Sociedade & Natureza 21, 315-326, 2009 | 72 | 2009 |
Predicting wildfire vulnerability using logistic regression and artificial neural networks: a case study in Brazil’s Federal District PP de Bem, OA de Carvalho Júnior, EAT Matricardi, RF Guimarães, ... International journal of wildland fire 28 (1), 35-45, 2018 | 70 | 2018 |
Deforestation analysis in protected areas and scenario simulation for structural corridors in the agricultural frontier of Western Bahia, Brazil SN de Oliveira, OA de Carvalho Júnior, RAT Gomes, RF Guimarães, ... Land use policy 61, 40-52, 2017 | 70 | 2017 |
Development and origin of the microgranular structure in Latosols of the Brazilian Central Plateau: Significance of texture, mineralogy, and biological activity A Reatto, A Bruand, E de Souza Martins, F Muller, EM da Silva, ... Catena 76 (2), 122-134, 2009 | 69 | 2009 |
Spectral correlation mapper (SCM): An improving spectral angle mapper OA Carvalho Júnior, PR Meneses Annual JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop 9, 00-18, 2000 | 68 | 2000 |