دنبال کردن
Robert Olsen
Robert Olsen
Research Professor
ایمیل تأیید شده در gwu.edu - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
What to Do when Data Are Missing in Group Randomized Controlled Trials. NCEE 2009-0049.
MJ Puma, RB Olsen, SH Bell, C Price
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, 2009
External validity in policy evaluations that choose sites purposively
RB Olsen, LL Orr, SH Bell, EA Stuart
Journal of policy analysis and management 32 (1), 107-121, 2013
A review of statistical methods for generalizing from evaluations of educational interventions
E Tipton, RB Olsen
Educational Researcher 47 (8), 516-524, 2018
Assisting Unemployment Insurance Claimants: The Long-Term Impacts of the Job Search Assistance Demonstration.
PT Decker, RB Olsen, L Freeman, DH Klepinger
For full text: http://wdr. doleta. gov/owsdrr/00-2/00-02. pdf., 2000
Estimates of external validity bias when impact evaluations select sites nonrandomly
SH Bell, RB Olsen, LL Orr, EA Stuart
Educational evaluation and policy analysis 38 (2), 318-335, 2016
Characteristics of school districts that participate in rigorous national educational evaluations
EA Stuart, SH Bell, C Ebnesajjad, RB Olsen, LL Orr
Journal of research on educational effectiveness 10 (1), 168-206, 2017
The evaluation of welfare reform in Iowa: Final impact report
TM Fraker, CM Ross, RA Stapulonis, RB Olsen, MD Kovac, MR Dion, ...
Mathematica Policy Research Reports, 2002
Upward Bound Math-Science: Program Description and Interim Impact Estimates.
R Olsen, N Seftor, T Silva, D Myers, D DesRoches, J Young
US Department of Education, 2007
On the “where” of social experiments: Selecting more representative samples to inform policy
RB Olsen, LL Orr
New Directions for Evaluation 2016 (152), 61-71, 2016
Evaluation of the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program: Impacts Three Years after Students Applied. Technical Appendix. NCEE 2019-4006.
A Webber, N Rui, R Garrison-Mogren, RB Olsen, B Gutmann
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, 2019
Using the results from rigorous multisite evaluations to inform local policy decisions
LL Orr, RB Olsen, SH Bell, I Schmid, A Shivji, EA Stuart
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 38 (4), 978-1003, 2019
Taking measure of charter schools: Better assessments, better policymaking, better schools
J Ahn, L Angel, DJ Brewer, LS Hamilton, JR Henig, RJ Lake, PJ McEwan, ...
R&L Education, 2010
Enhancing the Generalizability of Impact Studies in Education. Toolkit. NCEE 2022-003.
E Tipton, RB Olsen
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, 2022
Program Performance and the President’s Budget: Do OMB’s PART Scores Really Matter?
R Olsen, D Levy
Association for Policy Analysis and Management’s 2004 Annual Research Conference, 2004
Estimating the Impacts of Educational Interventions Using State Tests or Study-Administered Tests. NCEE 2012-4016.
RB Olsen, F Unlu, C Price, AP Jaciw
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, 2011
Testing Different Methods of Estimating the Impacts of Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services Systems.
RB Olsen, PT Decker
For full text: http://wdr. doleta. gov/opr/fulltext/01-testwprss. pdf., 2001
Do Historically Black Colleges and Universities Enhance the College Attendance of African American Youths?
RG Ehrenberg, DS Rothstein, RB Olsen
Cornell University ILR School DigitalCommons@ ILR, 1999
Evaluation of the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program: Impacts After Three Years. NCEE 2019-4006
A Webber, N Rui, R Garrison-Mogren, R Olsen, B Gutmann
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, 2019
The National Evaluation of the Welfare-to-Work Grants Program
T Fraker, DM Levy, I Perez-Johnson, AM Hershey, DS Nightingale, ...
Mathematica Policy Research, Incorporated, 2004
Using a multi-site RCT to predict impacts for a single site: Do better data and methods yield more accurate predictions?
RB Olsen, LL Orr, SH Bell, E Petraglia, E Badillo-Goicoechea, A Miyaoka, ...
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 17 (1), 184-210, 2024
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مقاله‌ها 1–20