دنبال کردن
Håkan Larsson
Håkan Larsson
professor of physical education and sport pedagogy
ایمیل تأیید شده در gih.se - صفحهٔ اصلی
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Symbolic capital in physical education and health: to be, to do or to know? That is the gendered question
K Redelius, B Fagrell, H Larsson
Sport, education and society 14 (2), 245-260, 2009
Queering physical education. Between benevolence towards girls and a tribute to masculinity
H Larsson, B Fagrell, K Redelius
Physical education and sport pedagogy 14 (1), 1-17, 2009
Idrott och hälsa: i går, i dag, i morgon
H Larsson
Liber, 2016
Physical education cultures in Sweden: Fitness, sports, dancing… learning?
H Larsson, I Karlefors
Sport, Education and Society 20 (5), 573-587, 2015
Exploring ‘what’to learn in physical education
G Nyberg, H Larsson
Physical education and sport pedagogy 19 (2), 123-135, 2014
Swedish primary healthcare nurses’ perceptions of using digital eH Ealth services in support of patient self‐management
U Öberg, CJ Orre, U Isaksson, R Schimmer, H Larsson, Å Hörnsten
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences 32 (2), 961-970, 2018
The game within the game: girls' underperforming position in Physical Education
B Fagrell, H Larsson, K Redelius
Gender and education 24 (1), 101-118, 2012
Moving (in) the heterosexual matrix. On heteronormativity in secondary school physical education
H Larsson, K Redelius, B Fagrell
Physical education and sport pedagogy 16 (1), 67-81, 2011
Iscensättningen av kön i idrott: en nutidshistoria om idrottsmannen och idrottskvinnan
H Larsson
HLS förlag, 2001
‘It doesn't matter how they move really, as long as they move.’Physical education teachers on developing their students’ movement capabilities
H Larsson, G Nyberg
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 22 (2), 137-149, 2017
Understanding movement: A sociocultural approach to exploring moving humans
H Larsson, M Quennerstedt
Quest 64 (4), 283-298, 2012
Swedish physical education research questioned—current situation and future directions
H Larsson, K Redelius
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 13 (4), 381-398, 2008
Learning movement cultures in physical education practice
M Quennerstedt, H Larsson
Sport, Education and Society 20 (5), 565-572, 2015
Mellan nytta och nöje: bilder av ämnet idrott och hälsa
H Larsson, K Redelius
Gymnastik-och idrottshögskolan, GIH, 2004
Idrottsdidaktiska utmaningar
H Larsson, J Meckbach
Liber förlag, 2007
Heterotopias in physical education: towards a queer pedagogy?
H Larsson, M Quennerstedt, M Öhman
Gender and education 26 (2), 135-150, 2014
What did they learn in school today? A method for exploring aspects of learning in physical education
M Quennerstedt, C Annerstedt, D Barker, I Karlefors, H Larsson, ...
European Physical Education Review 20 (2), 282-302, 2014
What should a physical education teacher know? An analysis of learning outcomes for future physical education teachers in Sweden
E Backman, H Larsson
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 21 (2), 185-200, 2016
On practising in physical education: Outline for a pedagogical model
K Aggerholm, O Standal, DM Barker, H Larsson
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 23 (2), 197-208, 2018
Teaching dance in physical education using exergames
B Gibbs, M Quennerstedt, H Larsson
European Physical Education Review 23 (2), 237-256, 2017
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مقاله‌ها 1–20