دنبال کردن
Jose Isidro Garcia-Melo
Jose Isidro Garcia-Melo
ایمیل تأیید شده در correounivalle.edu.co - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Methodology for the retrofitting of manufacturing resources for migration of SME towards industry 4.0
JD Contreras Pérez, RE Cano Buitrón, JI García Melo
International Conference on Applied Informatics, 337-351, 2018
Diagnosis and treatment of faults in productive systems based on Bayesian networks and Petri net
RAG Morales, JIG Melo, PE Miyagi
2007 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering …, 2007
Towards modular and coordinated manufacturing systems oriented to services
JI García Melo, F Junqueira, P Eigi Miyagi
Dyna 77 (163), 201-210, 2010
Fault detection in flexible assembly systems using Petri net
DN Lira, JIG Melo, F Junqueira, PE Miyagi
IEEE Latin America Transactions 6 (7), 572-578, 2008
Supervisory system for fault detection and diagnosis in drinking water treatment plants using fuzzy engine
GA Rojas, ELQ Rubiano, JFC Chaux, CRP Jaramillo, JIG Melo
IEEE Latin America Transactions 15 (11), 2071-2076, 2017
Preliminary analysis of biomass potentially useful for producing biodiesel
G Cabrera Cifuentes, JC Burbano Jaramillo, JI Garcia Melo
Dyna 78 (170), 144-151, 2011
Modeling and analysing of the material entry flow system in a pickling line process using Petri net
MGV Nassar, JIG Melo, PE Miyagi, D dos Santos Filho
ABCM Symposium Series in Mechatronics 3, 444-453, 2008
Productive process improvement to elaborate cane train baskets, using Coloured Petri nets
JF Caratar-Chaux, RE Cano-Buitrón, JI Garcia-Melo
Dyna 85 (206), 105-113, 2018
Internet based-manufacturing and disperse productive systems
PE Miyagi
Development of an information system for teleoperated physical rehab care service via Internet. Pilot case: patients with mild knee injury who live in geographically vulnerable …
JR Tovar-Cuevas, JD Díaz Mutis, GE Quiñones Mora, A Pabón Romero, ...
Dyna 85 (205), 284-293, 2018
A systematical approach to expose manufacturing system as a service
JIG Melo, S Souit, DJ Santos Filho, F Junqueira, PE Miyagi
2010 9th IEEE/IAS International Conference on Industry Applications-INDUSCON …, 2010
Modeling of collision resolution algorithm in Lonworks networks
PJI Kaneshiro, JI Garcia Melo, PE Miyagi, CE Cugnasca
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 43033, 743-749, 2007
Development of a Control Strategy in an Isokinetic Device for Physical Rehabilitation
JA Peñaloza-González, S González-Mejía, JI García-Melo
Sensors 23 (13), 5827, 2023
Modeling of distributed control systems in intelligent building based on colored Petri nets
PJ Igei Kaneshiro, CE Cugnasca, JIG Melo, PE Miyagi
IEEE Latin America Transactions 8 (5), 589-596, 2010
Diseño de un Sistema de Gestión Ambiental para la empresa Mega Servicios Plus SAS, con base en la Norma Internacional ISO 14001: 2015
J Melo, C Rodríguez
Trabajo de grado, 2019
Framework for collaborative manufacturing systems based in services
JIG Melo, CC Fattori, F Junqueira, PE Miyagi
20th Intern. Congr. of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM), Gramado, Brazil, 2009
Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) assessment, including learning curve: developing a dynamic simulation model
SP Usaquén-Perilla, LV Bocanegra-Villegas, JI García-Melo
Synchronized telerehabilitation care in rural zones supported by teleoperated technological aids: Application to a Colombian case
OR Ovalle, JIG Melo, JF Caratar
Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías 10 (2), 162-177, 2022
Sistema de telemedicina basado en una arquitectura orientada a servicios y aplicado a la rehabilitación física
CDC Rodríguez, JAC Sánchez, JIG Melo, JRT Cuevas
Universidad del Valle, 2020
Characterization of Medical Equipment Acquisition Processes by Considering the Evaluation of Technology, Pilot Case: POCT Blood Gas Analyzers
LVB Villegas, JCO Salgado, SPU Perilla, JIG Melo
Latin American Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 1398-1402, 2019
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20