دنبال کردن
Department of computer engineering, automatics and robotics, au, University of Granada (UGR)
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نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Neural networks: An overview of early research, current frameworks and new challenges
A Prieto, B Prieto, EM Ortigosa, E Ros, F Pelayo, J Ortega, I Rojas
Neurocomputing 214, 242-268, 2016
PCA filtering and probabilistic SOM for network intrusion detection
E De la Hoz, E De La Hoz, A Ortiz, J Ortega, B Prieto
Neurocomputing 164 (C), 71-81, 2015
Alzheimer’s diagnosis using eigenbrains and support vector machines
I Alvarez, JM Górriz, J Ramírez, D Salas-Gonzalez, M López, F Segovia, ...
International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 973-980, 2009
Recent invasion and status of the raccoon (Procyon lotor) in Spain
JT García, FJ García, F Alda, JL González, MJ Aramburu, Y Cortés, ...
Biological Invasions 14, 1305-1310, 2012
Una experiencia de flipped classroom
A Prieto Espinosa, B Prieto Campos, B Pino Prieto
Actas de las XXII JENUI, 237-244, 2016
Utilización de la metodología de aula invertida en una asignatura de Fundamentos de Informática
MB Pino Prieto, B Prieto Campos, A Prieto Espinosa, FM Illeras García
Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de …, 2016
A neural learning algorithm for blind separation of sources based on geometric properties
A Prieto, CG Puntonet, B Prieto
Signal Processing 64 (3), 315-331, 1998
Parallel multiobjective memetic rbfnns design and feature selection for function approximation problems
A Guillén, H Pomares, J González, I Rojas, O Valenzuela, B Prieto
Neurocomputing 72 (16-18), 3541-3555, 2009
Visualizing the evolution of a web-based social network
B Prieto, F Tricas, JJ Merelo, A Mora, A Prieto
Journal of network and computer applications 31 (4), 677-698, 2008
Conceptos de informática
A Prieto, B Prieto
Editorial McGraw-Hill,, 2005
Separation of speech signals for nonlinear mixtures
CG Puntonet, MR Alvarez, A Prieto, B Prieto
Engineering Applications of Bio-Inspired Artificial Neural Networks …, 1999
Energy efficiency of personal computers: a comparative analysis
B Prieto, JJ Escobar, JC Gómez-López, AF Díaz, T Lampert
Sustainability 14 (19), 12829, 2022
Mapping weblog communities
JJ Merelo-Guervos, B Prieto, F Rateb, F Tricas
arXiv preprint cs/0312047, 2003
Comparing different machine learning and mathematical regression models to evaluate multiple sequence alignments
FM Ortuño, O Valenzuela, B Prieto, MJ Saez-Lara, C Torres, H Pomares, ...
Neurocomputing 164, 123-136, 2015
Adaptive-geometric methods: application to the separation of EEG signals
CG Puntonet, C Bauer, EW Lang, MR Alvarez, B Prieto
P. Pajunen, J. Karhunen, eds., Independent Component Analysis and Blind …, 2000
Conceptos de informática
AP Espinosa, BP Campos
McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España, 2005
Clustering web-based communities using self-organizing maps
JJ Merelo-Guervós, B Prieto, A Prieto, G Romero, P Castillo-Valdivieso, ...
IADIS International Conference Web Based Communities, 158-165, 2004
A competitive neural network for blind separation of sources based on geometric properties
A Prieto, CG Puntonet, B Prieto, M Rodríguez-Alvarez
Biological and Artificial Computation: From Neuroscience to Technology …, 1997
Blogosphere community formation, structure and visualization
JJ Merelo, B Prieto, F Tricas
BlogTalks 2.0 The European Conference on Webblogs, 2004
Separation of sources in a class of post-nonlinear mixtures.
CG Puntonet, MR Álvarez, A Prieto, B Prieto
ESANN, 321-326, 1998
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20