دنبال کردن
Enver Nakhmedov
Enver Nakhmedov
Head of the Physical faculty, Moscow State University Baku branch
ایمیل تأیید شده در science.az
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Hopping transport in quasi-one-dimensional systems with weak disorder
EP Nakhmedov, VN Prigodin, AN Samukhin
Sov Phys Solid State 31, 368-375, 1989
Localization dynamics in weakly disordered systems
EP Nakhmedov, VN Prigodin, YA Firsov
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz 92, 2133-2146, 1987
The influence of Coulomb repulsion and fluctuation effects on the critical temperature in layered superconductors
EP Nakhmedov, OA Sacli, IN Askerzade
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 5 (8), 1099, 1993
Band structure and vacancy formation in β‐Ag2S: Ab‐initio study
O Alekberov, Z Jahangirli, R Paucar, S Huseynova, N Abdulzade, ...
physica status solidi (c) 12 (6), 672-675, 2015
Transport par sauts dans un système quasi-unidimensionnel à faible désordre
EHP NAKHMEDOV, VN Prigodin, AN Samukhin
Fizika tverdogo tela 31 (3), 31-44, 1989
Vacancy mediated magnetization and healing of a graphene monolayer
E Nakhmedov, E Nadimi, S Vedaei, O Alekperov, F Tatardar, AI Najafov, ...
Physical Review B 99 (12), 125125, 2019
Density of states of disordered two-dimensional crystals with half-filled band
EP Nakhmedov, M Kumru, R Oppermann
Physical Review Letters 84 (17), 3930, 2000
Interplay of Rashba-and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions in a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas of a finite thickness under in-plane magnetic field
EP Nakhmedov, O Alekperov
The European Physical Journal B 85, 1-19, 2012
Quantum-mechanical study of the direct tunneling current in metal-oxide-semiconductor structures
EP Nakhmedov, K Wieczorek, H Burghardt, C Radehaus
Journal of applied physics 98 (2), 2005
Temperature dependent spectroscopic ellipsometry of Ag2Se and Ag2S with phase transitions from ionic to superionic conductivity state
O Alekperov, N Gasimov, K Khalilova, Y Shim, R Paucar, N Abdulzade, ...
physica status solidi (c) 12 (6), 605-609, 2015
Josephson junction with two superconducting current components
KV Kulikov, R Davud, EP Nakhmedov, YM Shukrinov
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 125, 333-339, 2017
Impedance spectroscopy study of phase transitions to ionic and superionic conductivity states in Ag2S and Ag2Se
O Alekperov, O Samedov, R Paucar, N Abdulzade, E Nakhmedov, ...
physica status solidi (c) 12 (6), 610-614, 2015
Effect of anisotropy on the energy gap and the critical temperature in a strongly coupled layered superconductor
EP Nakhmedov
Physical Review B 54 (9), 6624, 1996
Study of direct tunneling current oscillations in ultrathin gate dielectrics
EP Nakhmedov, C Radehaus, K Wieczorek
Journal of applied physics 97 (6), 2005
First-principles calculations of the band gap of and alloys
EP Nakhmedov, E Nadimi, M Bouhassoune, C Radehaus, K Wieczorek
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (11), 115204, 2007
Effect of substitutional impurities on the electronic states and conductivity of crystals with a half-filled band
EP Nakhmedov, H Feldmann, R Oppermann, M Kumru
Physical Review B 62 (20), 13490, 2000
Weak localization in the magnetoresistance of a strongly anisotropic 2D system
EP Nakhmedov, VN Prigodin, YA Firsov
ZhETF Pisma Redaktsiiu 43, 575, 1986
Effect of magnetic field and Rashba spin-orbit interaction on the Josephson tunneling between superconducting nanowires
E Nakhmedov, O Alekperov, F Tatardar, YM Shukrinov, I Rahmonov, ...
Physical Review B 96 (1), 014519, 2017
Calculation of the direct tunneling current in a metal-oxide-semiconductor structure with one-side open boundary
E Nadimi, C Radehaus, EP Nakhmedov, K Wieczorek
Journal of applied physics 99 (10), 2006
High-temperature phase transitions in TlInTe2 crystals
OZ Alekperov, AI Najafov, E Nakhmedov, OA Samedov, NA Aliyeva, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (13), 2018
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20