Bridging the research–practice gap P Bansal, S Bertels, T Ewart, P MacConnachie, J O'Brien Academy of Management Perspectives 26 (1), 73-92, 2012 | 415 | 2012 |
Signaling sustainability leadership: Empirical evidence of the value of DJSI membership M Robinson, A Kleffner, S Bertels Journal of business ethics 101, 493-505, 2011 | 394 | 2011 |
Embedding sustainability in organizational culture S Bertels, L Papania, D Papania A systematic review of the body of knowledge. London, Canada: Network for …, 2010 | 289 | 2010 |
Running just to stand still? Managing CSR reputation in an era of ratcheting expectations S Bertels, J Peloza Corporate Reputation Review 11, 56-72, 2008 | 288 | 2008 |
Measurement of aperture distribution, capillary pressure, relative permeability, and in situ saturation in a rock fracture using computed tomography scanning SP Bertels, DA DiCarlo, MJ Blunt Water Resources Research 37 (3), 649-662, 2001 | 216 | 2001 |
Organizational responses to institutional complexity stemming from emerging logics: The role of individuals S Bertels, TB Lawrence Strategic Organization 14 (4), 336-372, 2016 | 198 | 2016 |
Cultural molding, shielding, and shoring at Oilco: The role of culture in the integration of routines S Bertels, J Howard-Grenville, S Pek Organization Science 27 (3), 573-593, 2016 | 169 | 2016 |
Leaders and laggards: The influence of competing logics on corporate environmental action IM Herremans, MS Herschovis, S Bertels Journal of Business Ethics 89, 449-472, 2009 | 138 | 2009 |
The varied work of challenger movements: Identifying challenger roles in the US environmental movement S Bertels, AJ Hoffman, R DeJordy Organization Studies 35 (8), 1171-1210, 2014 | 116* | 2014 |
The institutional work of exploitation: Employers’ work to create and perpetuate inequality R Hamann, S Bertels Journal of Management Studies 55 (3), 394-423, 2018 | 77 | 2018 |
Broadening the notion of governance from the organisation to the domain: a study of municipal water systems in Canada S Bertels, H Vredenburg Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 33-47, 2004 | 55 | 2004 |
Who is part of the environmental movement? AJ Hoffman, S Bertels Good Cop/Bad Cop, 48-69, 2012 | 54 | 2012 |
A responsive approach to organizational misconduct: Rehabilitation, reintegration, and the reduction of reoffense S Bertels, M Cody, S Pek Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (3), 343-370, 2014 | 45 | 2014 |
The impact of frame ambiguity on field-level change C Feront, S Bertels Organization Studies 42 (7), 1135-1165, 2021 | 41 | 2021 |
14 Sustainability: How It Shapes Organizational Culture and Climate J Howard-Grenville, S Bertels, B Lahneman The Oxford handbook of organizational climate and culture, 257, 2014 | 30 | 2014 |
Achieving sustainable value: Sustainability Protfolio Assessment R Graham, S Bertels Consulting for Business Sustainability, 152-166, 2017 | 26 | 2017 |
What regulators need to know about organizational culture J Howard-Grenville, S Bertels, B Boren Best-In-Class Regulator Initiative. June. Accessed January 19, 2017, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
Sustainability, employment and organisational outcomes S Bertels, L Papanin, D Papania Academy of Management Annual Meeting: West Meets East, San Antonio, TX …, 2011 | 6 | 2011 |
Taking Stock, Looking Ahead: Editors’ Introduction to the Inaugural Organization & Environment Review Issue S Bertels, F Bowen Organization & Environment 28 (1), 3-7, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
Understanding domain-based interorganizational collaboration: governance, process and capacity SP Bertels | 3 | 2006 |