To build or not to build: Normative and positive theories of public–private partnerships D Martimort, J Pouyet International journal of industrial organization 26 (2), 393-411, 2008 | 532 | 2008 |
Upstream competition between vertically integrated firms M Bourreau, J Hombert, J Pouyet, N Schutz The Journal of Industrial Economics 59 (4), 677-713, 2011 | 83 | 2011 |
On the optimal use of ex ante regulation and ex post liability Y Hiriart, D Martimort, J Pouyet Economics Letters 84 (2), 231-235, 2004 | 79 | 2004 |
The subsidiarity bias in regulation JJ Laffont, J Pouyet Journal of Public Economics 88 (1-2), 255-283, 2004 | 78 | 2004 |
The public management of risk: Separating ex ante and ex post monitors Y Hiriart, D Martimort, J Pouyet Journal of Public Economics 94 (11-12), 1008-1019, 2010 | 58 | 2010 |
Anticompetitive vertical merger waves J Hombert, J Pouyet, N Schutz | 26* | 2013 |
Le prix unique du livre à l'heure du numérique M Perona, J Pouyet Éd. Rue d'Ulm, 2010 | 24 | 2010 |
Providers’ affiliation, insurance and collusion JM Bourgeon, P Picard, J Pouyet Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (1), 170-186, 2008 | 24 | 2008 |
Partenariats public-privé: Quelques réflexions E Iossa*, D Martimort**, J Pouyet*** Revue économique 59 (3), 437-449, 2008 | 22 | 2008 |
Entry in the passenger rail industry: a theoretical investigation à De Villemeur, M Ivaldi, Jà Pouyet Open Access publications from University of Toulouse 1 Capitole, 2003 | 22 | 2003 |
The Role of Abatement Technologies for Allocating Free Allowances C Christin, JP Nicolai, J Pouyet DICE Discussion Paper, 2011 | 21 | 2011 |
On competitive equilibria with asymmetric information J Pouyet, B Salanié, F Salanié The BE Journal of Theoretical Economics 8 (1), 2008 | 20 | 2008 |
The NOME law: implications for the French electricity market A Creti, J Pouyet, ME Sanin Journal of regulatory Economics 43, 196-213, 2013 | 18 | 2013 |
Public and private investments in regulated network industries: coordination and competition issues B Jullien, J Pouyet, W Sand-Zantman Review of Network Economics 9 (4), 2010 | 18 | 2010 |
Marriage strategy among the European nobility S Marcassa, J Pouyet, T Trégouët Explorations in Economic History 75, 101303, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Strategic choice of financing systems in regulated and interconnected industries A Bassanini, J Pouyet Journal of Public Economics 89 (2-3), 233-259, 2005 | 17 | 2005 |
The regulator and the judge: The optimal mix in the control of environmental risk Y Hiriart, D Martimort, J Pouyet Revue d'économie politique 118 (6), 941-967, 2008 | 16 | 2008 |
Eliciting the regulation of an economic system: The case of the French rail industry M Ivaldi, J Pouyet Transport policy 62, 21-30, 2018 | 13 | 2018 |
Competition policy, regulation and the institutional design of industry supervision C Aubert, J Pouyet Recherches Economiques de Louvain/Louvain Economic Review 70 (2), 153-168, 2004 | 13 | 2004 |
Extracting information or resource? The Hotelling rule revisited under asymmetric information D Martimort, J Pouyet, F Ricci The RAND Journal of Economics 49 (2), 311-347, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |