دنبال کردن
Tarmo Kiipli
Tarmo Kiipli
Senior scientist, Institute of Geology Tallinn University of Tecnology
ایمیل تأیید شده در ttu.ee
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Carbon isotope event markers through the Wenlock–Pridoli sequence at Ohesaare (Estonia) and Priekule (Latvia)
D Kaljo, T Kiipli, T Martma
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 132 (1-4), 211-223, 1997
Correlation of carbon isotope events and environmental cyclicity in the East Baltic Silurian
D Kaljo, T Kiipli, T Martma
Silurian Cycles œ Linkages of Dynamic Stratigraphy with Atmospheric …, 1998
Hirnantian (latest Ordovician) bio-and chemostratigraphy of the Stirnas-18 core, western Latvia.
L Hints, O Hints, D Kaljo, T Kiipli, P Männik, J Nõlvak, H Pärnaste
Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 59 (1), 2010
Altered volcanic ash as an indicator of marine environment, reflecting pH and sedimentation rate—example from the Ordovician Kinnekulle bed of Baltoscandia
T Kiipli, E Kiipli, T Kallaste, R Hints, P Somelar, K Kirsimäe
Clays and Clay Minerals 55 (2), 177-188, 2007
Seven sedimentary rock reference samples from Estonia
T Kiipli, RA Batchelor, JP Bernal, C Cowing, M Hagel-Brunnstrom, ...
Oil Shale 17 (3), 215-224, 2000
Immobile and mobile elements during the transition of volcanic ash to bentonite–an example from the early Palaeozoic sedimentary section of the Baltic Basin
T Kiipli, R Hints, T Kallaste, E Verš, M Voolma
Sedimentary Geology 347, 148-159, 2017
Correlation of Telychian (Silurian) altered volcanic ash beds in Estonia, Sweden and Norway
T Kiipli, P Mannik, RA Batchelor, E Kiipli, T Kallaste, H Perens
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 81 (3), 179-194, 2001
Silurian bentonites in Lithuania: correlations based on sanidine phenocryst composition and graptolite biozonation œ interpretation of volcanic source regions
T Kiipli, S Radzevičius, T Kallaste
Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 63 (1), 18œ29, 2014
Multiphase Silurian bentonites in the Baltic palaeobasin
R Hints, K Kirsimäe, P Somelar, T Kallaste, T Kiipli
Sedimentary Geology 209 (1-4), 69-79, 2008
Geochemistry of telichian (silurian) K-bentonites in Estonia and Latvia
T Kiipli, A Soesoo, T Kallaste, E Kiipli
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 171 (1-2), 45-58, 2008
Composition and correlation of volcanic ash beds of Silurian age from the eastern Baltic
T Kiipli, T Kallaste, V Nestor
Geological Magazine 147 (6), 895-909, 2010
Correlation of Telychian sections from shallow to deep sea facies in Estonia and Latvia based on the sanidine composition of bentonites
T Kiipli, T Kallaste
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Geology 51 (3), 143-156, 2002
Integrated Telychian (Silurian) K-bentonite chemostratigraphy and biostratigraphy in Estonia and Latvia
T Kiipli, T Kallaste, V Nestor, DK Loydell
Lethaia 43 (1), 32-44, 2010
Identification of the O-bentonite in the deep shelf sections with implication on stratigraphy and lithofacies, East Baltic Silurian
E Kiipli, T Kiipli, T Kallaste
GFF 128 (3), 255-260, 2006
Hirnantian sea-level changes in the Baltoscandian Basin, a review
E Kiipli, T Kiipli
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 540, 109524, 2020
Geochemistry and correlation of volcanic ash beds from the Rootsiküla Stage (WenlockœLudlow) in the eastern Baltic
T Kiipli, R Einasto, T Kallaste, V Nestor, H Perens, S Siir
Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 60 (4), 207-219, 2011
Wenlock and uppermost Llandovery bentonites as stratigraphic markers in Estonia, Latvia and Sweden
T Kiipli, T Kallaste
GFF 128 (2), 139-146, 2006
Bioproductivity rise in the East Baltic epicontinental sea in the Aeronian (Early Silurian)
E Kiipli, T Kiipli, T Kallaste
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 205 (3-4), 255-272, 2004
Reconstruction of currents in the Mid-Ordovician–Early Silurian central Baltic Basin using geochemical and mineralogical indicators
E Kiipli, T Kiipli, T Kallaste
Geology 37 (3), 271-274, 2009
Correlation of Silurian bentonites from Gotland and the eastern Baltic using sanidine phenocryst composition, and biostratigraphical consequences
T Kiipli, L Jeppsson, T Kallaste, U Soderlund
Journal of the Geological Society 165 (1), 211-220, 2008
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مقاله‌ها 1–20