G-networks with multiple classes of negative and positive customers JM Fourneau, E Gelenbe, R Suros Theoretical computer science 155 (1), 141-156, 1996 | 214 | 1996 |
A performance model of block structured parallel programs E Gelenbe, E Montagne, R Suros, CM Woodside Proceedings of the international workshop on Parallel algorithms …, 1986 | 45 | 1986 |
An upper bound model for TCP and UDP throughput in IPv4 and IPv6 E Gamess, R Surós Journal of Network and Computer Applications 31 (4), 585-602, 2008 | 33 | 2008 |
Optimizing systolic networks by fitting diagonals R Suros, E Montagne Parallel computing 4 (2), 167-174, 1987 | 20 | 1987 |
Modeling optimal granularity when adapting systolic algorithms to transputer based supercomputers E Montagne, M Rukoz, R Suros, F Breant Parallel computing 20 (5), 807-814, 1994 | 12 | 1994 |
Computational modeling of reproducing-piano rolls G Colmenares, R Escalante, JF Sans, R Surós Computer music journal 35 (1), 58-75, 2011 | 11 | 2011 |
A biofluid dynamic computer code using the general lattice Boltzmann equation O Pelliccioni, M Cerrolaza, R Surós Advances in Engineering Software 39 (7), 593-611, 2008 | 10 | 2008 |
Systolic sparse matrix vector multiply in the age of TPUs and accelerators E Montagne, R Surós 2019 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim), 1-10, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
G-networks with multiple classes of negative and positive customers E Gelenbe, R Suros Theoret. Comput. Sci, 141-156, 1996 | 2 | 1996 |
Optimización de un trazador de rayos sísmicos con técnicas de globalización en medios anisótropos 3D H Guy Vernaez, S Rina Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad del Zulia 32 (1), 22-31, 2009 | 1 | 2009 |
Computational model of simulation for mechanics of biofluids using the generalized lattice boltzman method O Pelliccioni, M Cerrolaza, R Suros Boletín Técnico 45 (1), 01-34, 2007 | 1 | 2007 |
Modelo computacional de simulación para mecánica de biofluidos usando la ecuación generalizada de lattice boltzmann: un caso particular de evaluación en prótesis mecánica cardiaca O Pelliccioni, M Cerrolaza, R Suros Boletín Técnico 45 (1), 01-34, 2007 | 1 | 2007 |
Fitted diagonals for reducing I/O bandwidth in systolic systems R Surós, E Montagne Information processing letters 25 (5), 335-341, 1987 | 1 | 1987 |
Optimization of a seismic ray tracing with globalization method in anisotropic medium 3D H Guy Vernaez, S Rina Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad del Zulia 32 (1), 22-31, 2009 | | 2009 |
Simaweb: una aplicacion web para el procesamiento de imágenes en un ambiente distribuido R Surós, Y Sulbarán, M Rukoz, AV Leguízamon IX Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación, 2003 | | 2003 |
CMACPAR an modified parallel neuro-controller for control processes E Ramos, R Surós Acta Cientifica Venezolana 50 (3), 167-172, 1999 | | 1999 |
CMACPAR neurocontrolador paralelo modificado para controll de processos E Ramos, R Surós Acta cient. venez, 167-72, 1999 | | 1999 |
Vlsi interconnection network for numerical solution of two point boundary value problems R Suros, E Montagne International journal of computer mathematics 29 (2-4), 151-167, 1989 | | 1989 |
and Computer Engineering EGE Montagne, R Suros Parallel Algorithms & Architectures: Proceedings of the International …, 1986 | | 1986 |
A PERFORMANCE MODEL OF BLOCK STRUCTURED PARALLEL PROGRAMS EGE Montagne, R Suras Parallel Algorithms & Architectures: Proceedings of the International …, 1986 | | 1986 |