Quantum inverse scattering method and correlation functions VE Korepin, VE Korepin, NM Bogoliubov, AG Izergin Cambridge university press, 1997 | 3422 | 1997 |
Critical exponents for integrable models NM Bogoliubov, AG Izergin, VE Korepin Nuclear Physics B 275 (4), 687-705, 1986 | 253 | 1986 |
Correlation functions for a strongly correlated boson system NM Bogoliubov, AG Izergin, NA Kitanine Nuclear Physics B 516 (3), 501-528, 1998 | 117 | 1998 |
Finite-size effects and infrared asymptotics of the correlation functions in two dimensions NM Bogoliubov, AG Izergin, NY Reshetikhin Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 20 (15), 5361, 1987 | 116 | 1987 |
Boundary correlation functions of the six-vertex model NM Bogoliubov, AG Pronko, MB Zvonarev Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 35 (27), 5525, 2002 | 107 | 2002 |
Exact solution of generalized Tavis-Cummings models in quantum optics NM Bogoliubov, RK Bullough, J Timonen Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 29 (19), 6305, 1996 | 107 | 1996 |
Boxed plane partitions as an exactly solvable boson model NM Bogoliubov Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38 (43), 9415, 2005 | 93 | 2005 |
THE ROLE OF QUASI-ONE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES IN HIGH-Tc SUPERCONDUCTIVITY NM Bogoliubov, VE Korepin International Journal of Modern Physics B 3 (03), 427-439, 1989 | 75 | 1989 |
Exact solution of a q-boson hopping model NM Bogoliubov, RK Bullough, GD Pang Physical Review B 47 (17), 11495, 1993 | 71 | 1993 |
A q-deformed completely integrable Bose gas model NM Bogoliubov, RK Bullough Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 25 (14), 4057, 1992 | 70 | 1992 |
Critical behavior for correlated strongly coupled boson systems in 1+ 1 dimensions NM Bogoliubov, RK Bullough, J Timonen Physical review letters 72 (25), 3933, 1994 | 59 | 1994 |
The su (1, 1) Tavis-Cummings model A Rybin, G Kastelewicz, J Timonen, N Bogoliubov Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 31 (20), 4705, 1998 | 48 | 1998 |
Integrable models and combinatorics NM Bogoliubov, CL Malyshev Russian Mathematical Surveys 70 (5), 789, 2015 | 45 | 2015 |
XX0 Heisenberg chain and random walks NM Bogoliubov Journal of Mathematical Sciences 138, 5636-5643, 2006 | 40 | 2006 |
Корреляционные функции интегрируемых систем и квантовый метод обратной задачи НМ Боголюбов, АГ Изергин, ВЕ Корепин Москва, 1992 | 40 | 1992 |
Exactly solvable problems in condensed matter and relativistic field theory NM Bogoliubov, AG Izergin, VE Korepin Lect. Notes in Phys 242, 1985 | 38 | 1985 |
On the spectrum of the non-Hermitian phase-difference model NM Bogoliubov, T Nassar Physics Letters A 234 (5), 345-350, 1997 | 36 | 1997 |
Correlation Functions of Integrable Systems and Quantum Inverse Scattering Method NM Bogoliubov, AG Izergin, VE Korepin Nauka, Moscow, 1992 | 36 | 1992 |
FORMATION OF COOPER PAIRS IN THE HUBBARD MODEL. NM Bogoliubov, VE Korepin Modern Physics Letters B 1, 1988 | 35 | 1988 |
Boundary polarization in the six-vertex model NM Bogoliubov, AV Kitaev, MB Zvonarev Physical Review E 65 (2), 026126, 2002 | 33 | 2002 |