Emotional intelligence, leadership effectiveness, and team outcomes L Melita Prati, C Douglas, GR Ferris, AP Ammeter, MR Buckley The international journal of organizational analysis 11 (1), 21-40, 2003 | 995 | 2003 |
Leader political skill and team performance KK Ahearn, GR Ferris, WA Hochwarter, C Douglas, AP Ammeter Journal of management 30 (3), 309-327, 2004 | 994 | 2004 |
Perceptions of organizational politics: Theory and research directions GR Ferris, G Adams, RW Kolodinsky, WA Hochwarter, AP Ammeter The many faces of multi-level issues, 179-254, 2002 | 638 | 2002 |
Toward a political theory of leadership AP Ammeter, C Douglas, WL Gardner, WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris The leadership quarterly 13 (6), 751-796, 2002 | 542 | 2002 |
Leader political skill and employee reactions DC Treadway, WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris, CJ Kacmar, C Douglas, ... The Leadership Quarterly 15 (4), 493-513, 2004 | 509 | 2004 |
Impacts of license choice and organizational sponsorship on user interest and development activity in open source software projects KJ Stewart, AP Ammeter, LM Maruping Information Systems Research 17 (2), 126-144, 2006 | 352 | 2006 |
An examination of leader political skill and its effect on ratings of leader effectiveness C Douglas, AP Ammeter The Leadership Quarterly 15 (4), 537-550, 2004 | 328 | 2004 |
Leadership, team building, and team member characteristics in high performance project teams AP Ammeter, JM Dukerich Engineering management journal 14 (4), 3-10, 2002 | 328 | 2002 |
Gender demography and organization performance: A two-study investigation with convergence DD Frink, RK Robinson, B Reithel, MM Arthur, AP Ammeter, GR Ferris, ... Group & Organization Management 28 (1), 127-147, 2003 | 309 | 2003 |
Religiosity and moral identity: The mediating role of self-control SJ Vitell, MN Bing, HK Davison, AP Ammeter, BL Garner, MM Novicevic Journal of Business Ethics 88, 601-613, 2009 | 278 | 2009 |
A social relationship conceptualization of trust and accountability in organizations AP Ammeter, C Douglas, GR Ferris, H Goka Human Resource Management Review 14 (1), 47-65, 2004 | 214 | 2004 |
Cohesion and satisfaction as mediators of the team trust–team effectiveness relationship: An interdependence theory perspective GRF Philip S. DeOrtentiis, James K. Summers, Anthony P. Ammeter, Ceasar Douglas Career Development International 18 (5), 521-543, 2013 | 142 | 2013 |
The interactive effects of goal orientation and feedback specificity on task performance WD Davis Human Performance 18 (4), 409-426, 2005 | 131 | 2005 |
Predicting Personal Information System Adoption with an Integrated Diffusion Model D Kim, T Ammeter Information & Management 51 (4), 451-464, 2014 | 120 | 2014 |
An experimental investigation of an interactive model of academic cheating among business school students MN Bing, HK Davison, SJ Vitell, AP Ammeter, BL Garner, MM Novicevic Academy of Management Learning & Education 11 (1), 28-48, 2012 | 111 | 2012 |
Shifts in online consumer behavior: A preliminary investigation of the net generation D Kim, AP Ammeter Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 13 (1), 1-25, 2018 | 92 | 2018 |
The role of emotional intelligence in team leadership: Reply to the critique by Antonakis L Melita Prati, C Douglas, GR Ferris, AP Ammeter, MR Buckley The International Journal of Organizational Analysis 11 (4), 363-369, 2003 | 67 | 2003 |
Examining shifts in online purchasing behavior: Decoding the'net generation' D Kim, AP Ammeter Allied Academies International Conference. Academy of Management Information …, 2008 | 62 | 2008 |
A preliminary analysis of the influences of licensing and organizational sponsorship on success in open source projects KJ Stewart, AP Ammeter, LM Maruping Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2005 | 56 | 2005 |
Learning off the job: examining part-time entrepreneurs as innovative employees DR Marshall, WD Davis, C Dibrell, AP Ammeter Journal of Management 45 (8), 3091-3113, 2019 | 49 | 2019 |