دنبال کردن
Arhonto Terzi
Arhonto Terzi
Professor of Linguistics, University of Patras
ایمیل تأیید شده در upatras.gr
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Imperatives, V-movement and logical mood
ML Rivero, A Terzi
Journal of linguistics 31 (2), 301-332, 1995
PRO in finite clauses: A study of the inflectional heads of the Balkan languages
A Terzi
City University of New York, 1992
Clitic combinations, their hosts and their ordering
A Terzi
Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 17 (1), 85-121, 1999
PRO and null case in finite clauses
A Terzi
De Gruyter Mouton 14 (4), 335-360, 1997
Grammatical abilities of Greek-speaking children with autism
A Terzi, T Marinis, A Kotsopoulou, K Francis
Language Acquisition 21 (1), 4-44, 2014
Locative prepositions and place
A Terzi
Mapping spatial PPs: The cartography of syntactic structures 6 (1), 196-224, 2010
A-chains and S-homophones in children's grammar: Evidence from Greek passives
A Terzi, K Wexler
North east linguistics society 32 (2), 14, 2002
Clitic misplacement among normally developing children and children with specific language impairment and the status of Infl heads
K Petinou, A Terzi
Language Acquisition 10 (1), 1-28, 2002
The interface of syntax with pragmatics and prosody in children with autism spectrum disorders
A Terzi, T Marinis, K Francis
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 46, 2692-2706, 2016
On null spatial Ps and their arguments
A Terzi
Catalan Journal of Linguistics 9, 167-187, 2010
Past tense formation and comprehension of passive sentences in Parkinson’s disease: Evidence from Greek
A Terzi, S Papapetropoulos, ED Kouvelas
Brain and language 94 (3), 297-303, 2005
Cypriot Greek clitics and their positioning restrictions
A Terzi
Studies in Greek syntax, 227-240, 1999
Children’s passives and the theory of grammar
E Driva, A Terzi, A Gavarro, MJ Freitas
Language acquisition and development: Proceedings of GALA, 188-198, 2007
Clitic climbing from finite clauses and tense raising
A Terzi
De Gruyter Mouton 8 (3), 273-296, 1996
Peripheral positions in early Greek
IM Tsimpli
Advances in greek generative syntax: In honor of dimitra theophanopoulou …, 2008
Locative prepositions as modifiers of an unpronounced noun
A Terzi
Proceedings of WCCFL 26, 471-480, 2008
The acquisition of control crosslinguistically: structural and lexical factors in learning to licence PRO
H Goodluck, A Terzi, GC Díaz
Journal of Child Language 28 (1), 153-172, 2001
PRO and Obviation in Modern Greek Subjunctives Arhonto Terzi CUNY Graduate Center
A Terzi
Proceedings of the... West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 10, 471, 1991
Greek and English passives, and the role of by-phrases
N Angelopoulos, C Collins, A Terzi
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 5 (1), 2020
Greek and Hebrew locative prepositional phrases: A unified Case-driven account
I Botwinik-Rotem, A Terzi
Lingua 118 (3), 399-424, 2008
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مقاله‌ها 1–20