A Study on Removal of Rare Earth Elements from US Coal Byproducts by Ion Exchange PL Rozelle, AB Khadilkar, N Pulati, N Soundarrajan, MS Klima, ... Metallurgical and Materials Transactions E, 1-12, 2016 | 113 | 2016 |
Characterization of size and density separated fractions of a bituminous coal as a feedstock for entrained slagging gasification N Soundarrajan, N Krishnamurthy, S Pisupati International Journal of Clean Coal and Energy 2 (04), 58, 2013 | 19 | 2013 |
Application of Particle Population Model To Determine the Contribution to Slag, Flyash, and Syngas in Entrained Flow Gasification from Particle Size Distribution LT Gibson, N Soundarrajan, J Spenik, J Ma, L Shadle, SV Pisupati Energy & Fuels 27 (12), 7681-7695, 2013 | 11 | 2013 |
Physical and Chemical Characterization of Coal Particles Used as Entrained Flow Gasifier Feedstock: Heterogeneity in Mineral Matter Distribution N Soundarrajan, N Krishnamurthy, SV Pisupati Energy Procedia 14, 1735-1740, 2012 | 11 | 2012 |
Development and use of a method for prediction of the ash split in a CFBC boiler to improve the energy efficiency N Soundarrajan, PL Rozelle, SV Pisupati Fuel 102, 9-15, 2012 | 7 | 2012 |
Separation of rare earth elements from coal and coal products N Soundarrajan, N Pulati, MS Klima, M Ityokumbul, SV Pisupati US Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, final report, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |
Design toward integration of CO2 capture and fuel conversion technologies for a 500 MWe Coal-Based power plant LM Chen, V Dhar, J Guo, M Hill, HJ Kim, O Mustafaoglu, N Soundarrajan, ... CO2 Capture Group, 2006 | 3 | 2006 |
Effect of mineral transformation on the surface tension, viscosity, and size fraction of char particles LJS L. Gibson, N. Soundarrajan, S. Pisupati International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, 2008 | 1* | 2008 |
Problem-Based Learning Approaches in a Design Engineering Class: Graduate Student Perspectives N Soundarrajan, V Dhar, V Indrakanti, P Naredi, N Reed, D Van Niekerk Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Pet. Chem 51 (1/2), 2007 | 1 | 2007 |
Flow Visualization of Mixing Processes in Microscale Geometries N Soundarrajan, C Meinhart, I Mezic University of California, Santa Barbara, 2002 | 1 | 2002 |
Advanced Sensors & Controls FWP Overview M Buric, D Mcintyre, Y Duan, D Haynes, D Tucker, E Shuster, MJ Yip, ... National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Pittsburgh, PA, Morgantown, WV …, 2020 | | 2020 |
Process Failure Detection via Recurrence Quantification Analysis in a Slot-Rectangular Spouted Bed NS Steven L. Rowan, Ronald W. Breault, Justin M. Weber Journal of Energy Resources Technology 142 (7), 2020 | | 2020 |
Process Failure Detection via Recurrence Quantification Analysis in a Slot-Rectangular Spouted Bed SL Rowan, RW Breault, JM Weber, N Soundarrajan Journal of Energy Resources Technology 142 (7), 2020 | | 2020 |
Hydrodynamic Analysis of Spouting Characteristics in a Slot-Rectangular Spouted Bed Reactor JYSB Steven Rowan, Ronald W. Breault, Narasimhan Soundarrajan 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2019 | | 2019 |
Process Failure Detection via Recurrence Quantification Analysis SL Rowan, RW Breault, N Soundarrajan, JM Weber National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Pittsburgh, PA, Morgantown, WV …, 2019 | | 2019 |
Process Failure Detection via Recurrence Quantification Analysis NS Steven L. Rowan, Ronald W. Breault, Justin Weber Clearwater Clean Energy Conference 143, 2019 | | 2019 |
Ultrafine Hematite Reduction in a Spouted Bed Chemical Looping Reactor R Breault, S Bayham, N Soundarrajan National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Pittsburgh, PA, Morgantown, WV …, 2018 | | 2018 |
Separation of rare earth elements from coal and coal products PSV Soundarrajan N, Pulati N, Klima M, Ityokumbul M https://edx.netl.doe.gov/ree/?p=1426, 2015 | | 2015 |
Mineralogical Analysis of Coal Chars Obtained by High Temperature Gasification of Gravity and Size Separated Fractions of a High Volatile Bituminous Coal N Soundarrajan, LT Gibson, N Krishnamurthy, LJ Shadle, SV Pisupati Pittsburgh Coal Conference, 2011 | | 2011 |
PETR 142-Problem-based learning approaches in a design engineering class: Graduate student perspectives N Soundarrajan, VG Dhar, P Naredi, VP Indrakanti, N Reed, ... ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 235, 2008 | | 2008 |