دنبال کردن
Ahmet Aygün
Ahmet Aygün
Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi
ایمیل تأیید شده در btu.edu.tr
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Influence of high organic loading rates on COD removal and sludge production in moving bed biofilm reactor
A Aygun, B Nas, A Berktay
Environmental Engineering Science 25 (9), 1311-1316, 2008
Land application of municipal sewage sludge: human health risk assessment of heavy metals
E Yakamercan, A Ari, A Aygün
Journal of Cleaner Production 319, 128568, 2021
Improvement of coagulation-flocculation process for treatment of detergent wastewaters using coagulant aids
A Aygun, T Yilmaz
International Journal 1 (2), 97-101, 2010
Comparison of the effects of various supporting electrolytes on the treatment of a dye solution by electrocoagulation process
R Keyikoglu, OT Can, A Aygun, A Tek
Colloid and Interface Science Communications 33, 100210, 2019
Performance of a pilot-scale reverse osmosis process for water recovery from biologically-treated textile wastewater
E Sahinkaya, S Tuncman, I Koc, AR Guner, S Ciftci, A Aygun, S Sengul
Journal of environmental management 249, 109382, 2019
Removal of COD and colour from young municipal landfill leachate by Fenton process
T Yilmaz, A Aygün, A Berktay, B Nas
Environmental technology 31 (14), 1635-1640, 2010
Electrochemical treatment of sunflower oil refinery wastewater and optimization of the parameters using response surface methodology
S Sharma, A Aygun, H Simsek
Chemosphere 249, 126511, 2020
Application of sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR) in dairy wastewater treatment
A Ozturk, A Aygun, B Nas
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 36, 248-254, 2019
Effect of temperature on fenton oxidation of young landfill leachate: Kinetic assessment and sludge properties
A Aygun, T Yilmaz, B Nas, A Berktay
Global Nest J 14, 487-495, 2012
Comprehensive understanding of electrochemical treatment systems combined with biological processes for wastewater remediation
E Yakamercan, P Bhatt, A Aygun, AW Adesope, H Simsek
Environmental Pollution 330, 121680, 2023
Treatment of reactive dyebath wastewater by electrocoagulation process: Optimization and cost-estimation
A Aygun, B Nas, MF Sevimli
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 36, 1441-1449, 2019
Tekstil endüstrisi reaktif ve dispers boya banyo atıksularının elektrokoagülasyon prosesi ile arıtımı: Yanıt yüzey yöntemi ile optimizasyon
A Aygün
Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012
Improving the sludge disintegration efficiency of sonication by combining with alkalization and thermal pre-treatment methods
S Şahinkaya, MF Sevimli, A Aygün
Water Science and Technology 65 (10), 1809-1816, 2012
Wastewater reuse in Turkey: from present status to future potential
B Nas, S Uyanik, A Aygün, S Doğan, G Erul, KB Nas, S Turgut, M Cop, ...
Water Supply 20 (1), 73-82, 2020
Application of sequencing batch biofilm reactor for treatment of sewage wastewater treatment: effect of power failure
A Aygun, B Nas, A Berktay, H Ates
Desalination and Water Treatment 52 (37-39), 6956-6965, 2014
Yağmur Suyu Hasadı: Sakarya Üniversitesi Esentepe Kampüs Örneği
B Eren, A Aygün, S Likos, AI Damar
4th International Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and …, 2016
Mühendislik öğrencileri ekolojik ayak izinin belirlenmesi
B Eren, A Aygün, D Chabanov, N Akman
Uluslararası Mühendislik Ve Teknoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi 1 (1), 7-12, 2016
Anaerobic/aerobic cycle effect on di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and pentachlorophenol removal from real textile wastewater in sequencing batch biofilm reactor
E Yakamercan, A Aygün
Journal of Cleaner Production 273, 122975, 2020
Electrooxidation of nonylphenol ethoxylate-10 (NP10E) in a continuous reactor by BDD anodes: optimisation of operating conditions
S Sivri, GE Ustun, A Aygun
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 102 (2), 456-469, 2022
Ecological risk assessment of domestic sewage sludge: a case study
Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences 39 (4), 422-433, 2021
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20