Comparing ALS and image-based point cloud metrics and modelled forest inventory attributes in a complex coastal forest environment JC White, C Stepper, P Tompalski, NC Coops, MA Wulder Forests 6 (10), 3704-3732, 2015 | 183 | 2015 |
A model development and application guide for generating an enhanced forest inventory using airborne laser scanning data and an area-based approach JC White, P Tompalski, MA Vastaranta, MA Wulder, NP Saarinen, ... Natural Resources Canada, 2017 | 114 | 2017 |
Potential of UltraCamX stereo images for estimating timber volume and basal area at the plot level in mixed European forests C Straub, C Stepper, R Seitz, LT Waser Canadian Journal of Forest Research 43 (8), 731-741, 2013 | 109 | 2013 |
Use of WorldView-2 stereo imagery and National Forest Inventory data for wall-to-wall mapping of growing stock M Immitzer, C Stepper, S Böck, C Straub, C Atzberger Forest Ecology and Management 359, 232-246, 2016 | 99 | 2016 |
Assessing height changes in a highly structured forest using regularly acquired aerial image data C Stepper, C Straub, H Pretzsch Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 88 (3), 304-316, 2015 | 76 | 2015 |
Using semi-global matching point clouds to estimate growing stock at the plot and stand levels: Application for a broadleaf-dominated forest in central Europe C Stepper, C Straub, H Pretzsch Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45 (1), 111-123, 2015 | 63 | 2015 |
Long-term litter input manipulation effects on production and properties of dissolved organic matter in the forest floor of a Norway spruce stand T Klotzbücher, K Kaiser, C Stepper, E van Loon, P Gerstberger, K Kalbitz Plant and Soil 355, 407-416, 2012 | 42 | 2012 |
Using canopy heights from digital aerial photogrammetry to enable spatial transfer of forest attribute models: a case study in central Europe C Stepper, C Straub, M Immitzer, H Pretzsch Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 32 (8), 748-761, 2017 | 25 | 2017 |
Using digital aerial photogrammetry and the random forest approach to model forest inventory attributes in Beech-and Spruce-dominated Central European Forests C Straub, C Stepper Photogrammetrie-Fernerkundung-Geoinformation, 109-123, 2016 | 10 | 2016 |
Reliability of forest canopy height extraction from digital aerial images P Adler, T Naake, S Peters, C Ginzler, C Bauerhansl, C Stepper Proceedings of the ForestSAT Conference, Riva del Garda (TN), Italy, 4-7, 2014 | 6 | 2014 |
Möglichkeiten einer stratifizierten Schätzung von forstlichen Kenngrößen unter Verwendung von amtlichen Stereo-Luftbildern, Orthophotos und Laserscannerdaten C Straub, C Stepper, R Seitz, LT Waser 33. Wissenschaftlich–Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF Band 22/2013, 186-193, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
Altersschätzung von Waldbeständen mittels Texturmerkmalen C Stepper, T Schneider Allg. Forst. Z. Waldwirts. Umweltvorsorge, 20-21, 2012 | 1 | 2012 |
Guide pour l’élaboration et l’application de modèles en vue de l’établissement d’un inventaire forestier amélioré par l’emploi de données de balayage laser aéroporté et d’une … JC White, P Tompalski, M Vastaranta, MA Wulder, N Saarinen, C Stepper, ... | | 2017 |
Amtliche Fernerkundungsdaten in der Forstwirtschaft–Anwendungspotential in Bayern C STRAUB, C STEPPER, R SEITZ, LT WASER DOI, 2015 | | 2015 |
Joanne C. White, Piotr Tompalski, Mikko Vastaranta, Michael A. Wulder N Saarinen, C Stepper, NC Coops | | |