دنبال کردن
Orlando J Pelliccioni Monrroy
Orlando J Pelliccioni Monrroy
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. (Valencian International University)
ایمیل تأیید شده در campusviu.es - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Lattice Boltzmann dynamic simulation of a mechanical heart valve device
O Pelliccioni, M Cerrolaza, M Herrera
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 75 (1-2), 1-14, 2007
A biofluid dynamic computer code using the general lattice Boltzmann equation
O Pelliccioni, M Cerrolaza, R Surós
Advances in Engineering Software 39 (7), 593-611, 2008
Diseño de una plataforma multi-robot de propósito general
K Hernandez, A Gil, J Aguilar, R Rivas, E Dapena, Y Gónzalez, E Dávila, ...
Simulación y aplicaciones recientes para ciencia y tecnología 8, 785-796, 2016
Estudio del comportamiento estructural de mallas de metal expandido sometidas a tracción
G Martínez, C Graciano, E Casanova, O Pelliccioni
Boletín Técnico 46 (2), 37-52, 2008
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of swelling of an implant for microtia manufactured with IPN hydrogel
PJ Boschetti, O Pelliccioni, K Da Costa, MA Sabino
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 23 (9), 491-499, 2020
Swelling behavior of IPN and copolymer hydrogels by lattice Boltzmann method
PJ Boschetti, OJ Pelliccioni, M Sabino, N Vera, A Ontiveros, ...
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 2234, 2020
Análisis numérico en el diseño de un molde para prótesis de pie empleando herramientas de diseño (CAD) e Ingeniería (CAE) asistidas por computador
MV Candal, J Romero, C Müller-Karger, O Pelliccioni
Mecánica Computacional 29 (64), 6441-6454, 2010
Fatigue life prediction due to slug flow in extra long submarine gas pipelines using fourier expansion series
E Casanova, O Pelliccioni, A Blanco
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 43437 …, 2009
Lattice Boltzmann method simulations of swelling of cuboid-shaped IPN hydrogel tablets with experimental validation
PJ Boschetti, DJ Toro, A Ontiveros, O Pelliccioni, MA Sabino
Heat and Mass Transfer, 1-15, 2022
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of swelling behavior of cylindrical IPN hydrogel tablets
PJ Boschetti, O Pelliccioni, MA Sabino, N Vera, MF Pappaterra
Fluid Phase Equilibria 508, 112449, 2020
Analysis of transient blood flow passing through mechanical heart valves by lattice Boltzmann methods
Computational Bioengineering: Current Trends and Applications, 215-245, 2004
Three-dimensional flow through the björk-shiley artificial valve in aortic position: computational analysis between the FEM and lattice methods
O Pelliccioni, M Cerrolaza, M Herrera
Proc. II International Numeric Methods in Engineering and Applied Sciences …, 2002
Comparative analysis of materials during design process of prosthetic foot by using plastic injection molding simulation FE tool
MV Candal, O Pelliccioni, M Bermeo, C Müller-Karger
2013 Pan American Health Care Exchanges (PAHCE), 1-6, 2013
Protocolo para la reconstrucción digital de tomas en pacientes con hendidura de labio y paladar asistidos con ortopedia funcional de los maxilares
L Bandres, O Pelliccioni, T Pannaciy, M Candal
BIOVEN2012, 63-66, 2012
Mecanizado de un Prototipo de prótesis de pie dinámico empleando Polioxido de Metileno
A Núñez, O Pelliccioni, MV Candal, C Müller-Karger
XIV Coloquio Venezolano de Polímeros, Venezuela, 2011
Análisis bidimensional de la interacción fluido-estructura en válvulas mecánicas de corazón utilizando técnicas de células autómatas
OJ Pelliccioni, ME Cerrolaza, M Herrera
Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad Central de Venezuela 21 (1 …, 2006
Computational bioengineering: current trends and applications
M Cerrolaza
World Scientific, 2004
Bidirectional fluid-structure simulation of blood flow based on the lattice Botzmann method: Two-dimensional analysis for SJM and BJS valves
O Pelliccioni, M Krafczyk, M Herrera
International Congress on Computational Bioengineering, I3A, 2003
Flujo tridimensional a través de la válvula artificial Björk-Shiley en posición aórtica: Análisis computacional entre el MEF y Métodos Lattice
O Pelliccioni, M Cerrolaza, M Herrera
Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas 2, 2002
The Deswelling of IPN Hydrogel Tablets by Lattice Boltzmann Method
DJ Toro, PJ Boschetti, N Vera, O Pelliccioni, MA Sabino
Transport in Porous Media 148 (3), 559-576, 2023
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20