Understanding nonlinear dynamics D Kaplan, L Glass Springer Science & Business Media, 1997 | 1589 | 1997 |
Direct test for determinism in a time series DT Kaplan, L Glass Physical review letters 68 (4), 427, 1992 | 642 | 1992 |
Aging and the complexity of cardiovascular dynamics DT Kaplan, MI Furman, SM Pincus, SM Ryan, LA Lipsitz, AL Goldberger Biophysical journal 59 (4), 945-949, 1991 | 610 | 1991 |
A single-blind controlled competition among tests for nonlinearity and chaos WA Barnett, AR Gallant, MJ Hinich, JA Jungeilges, DT Kaplan, MJ Jensen Journal of econometrics 82 (1), 157-192, 1997 | 370 | 1997 |
Method and apparatus for ECG signal analysis and cardiac arrhythmia detection KL Ripley, DT Kaplan US Patent 5,271,411, 1993 | 284 | 1993 |
Is fibrillation chaos? DT Kaplan, RJ Cohen Circulation Research 67 (4), 886-892, 1990 | 270 | 1990 |
Exceptional events as evidence for determinism DT Kaplan Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 73 (1-2), 38-48, 1994 | 264 | 1994 |
Explanation of the large spin-dependent recombination effect in semiconductors D Kaplan, I Solomon, NF Mott Journal de physique lettres 39 (4), 51-54, 1978 | 261 | 1978 |
Heart rate variability in emergency department patients with sepsis D Barnaby, K Ferrick, DT Kaplan, S Shah, P Bijur, EJ Gallagher Academic emergency medicine 9 (7), 661-670, 2002 | 221 | 2002 |
Detecting unstable periodic orbits in chaotic experimental data P So, E Ott, SJ Schiff, DT Kaplan, T Sauer, C Grebogi Physical Review Letters 76 (25), 4705, 1996 | 218 | 1996 |
Approximate entropy in the electroencephalogram during wake and sleep N Burioka, M Miyata, G Cornélissen, F Halberg, T Takeshima, DT Kaplan, ... Clinical EEG and neuroscience 36 (1), 21-24, 2005 | 201 | 2005 |
Fetal ECG extraction with nonlinear state-space projections M Richter, T Schreiber, DT Kaplan IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 45 (1), 133-137, 1998 | 184 | 1998 |
Subthreshold dynamics in periodically stimulated squid giant axons DT Kaplan, JR Clay, T Manning, L Glass, MR Guevara, A Shrier Physical Review Letters 76 (21), 4074, 1996 | 183 | 1996 |
Using medium-range weather forcasts to improve the value of wind energy production MS Roulston, DT Kaplan, J Hardenberg, LA Smith Renewable Energy 28 (4), 585-602, 2003 | 176 | 2003 |
Coarse-grained embeddings of time series: random walks, Gaussian random processes, and deterministic chaos DT Kaplan, L Glass Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 64 (4), 431-454, 1993 | 168 | 1993 |
A comparison of estimators for 1f noise B Pilgram, DT Kaplan Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 114 (1-2), 108-122, 1998 | 165 | 1998 |
Influence of interface charges on transport measurements in amorphous silicon films I Solomon, T Dietl, D Kaplan Journal de Physique 39 (11), 1241-1246, 1978 | 160 | 1978 |
Detrended fluctuation analysis of EEG as a measure of depth of anesthesia M Jospin, P Caminal, EW Jensen, H Litvan, M Vallverdú, MMRF Struys, ... IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 54 (5), 840-846, 2007 | 154 | 2007 |
The mosaic package: helping students to'think with data'using R RJ Pruim, DT Kaplan, NJ Horton R Journal 9 (1), 77, 2017 | 152 | 2017 |
Time series analysis of complex dynamics in physiology and medicine L Glass, D Kaplan Medical progress through technology 19, 115-115, 1993 | 140 | 1993 |