دنبال کردن
Tenaw Gedefaw Abate
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Stringency of environmental regulation and aquaculture growth: A cross-country analysis
TG Abate, R Nielsen, R Tveterås
Aquaculture Economics & Management 20 (2), 201-221, 2016
Valuation of marine plastic pollution in the European Arctic: Applying an integrated choice and latent variable model to contingent valuation
TG Abate, T Börger, M Aanesen, J Falk-Andersson, KJ Wyles, ...
Ecological Economics 169, 106521, 2020
Citizen science for better management: Lessons learned from three Norwegian beach litter data sets
J Falk-Andersson, BW Berkhout, TG Abate
Marine pollution bulletin 138, 364-375, 2019
Economic feasibility of copepod production for commercial use: result from a prototype production facility
TG Abate, R Nielsen, M Nielsen, G Drillet, PM Jepsen, BW Hansen
Aquaculture 436, 72-79, 2015
A cost‐effectiveness analysis of live feeds in juvenile turbot Scophthalmus maximus (Linnaeus, 1758) farming: copepods versus Artemia
TG Abate, R Nielsen, M Nielsen, PM Jepsen, BW Hansen
Aquaculture Nutrition 22 (4), 899-910, 2016
Agency rivalry in a shared regulatory space and its impact on social welfare: The case of aquaculture regulation
TG Abate, R Nielsen, M Nielsen
Aquaculture Economics & Management 22 (1), 27-48, 2018
The importance of live‐feed traps–farming marine fish species
R Nielsen, M Nielsen, TG Abate, BW Hansen, PM Jepsen, SL Nielsen, ...
Aquaculture Research 48 (6), 2623-2641, 2017
Payment and policy consequentiality in dichotomous choice contingent valuation: Experimental design effects on self-reported perceptions
T Börger, TG Abate, M Aanesen, E Zawojska
Land Economics 97 (2), 407-424, 2021
Insights from international environmental legislation and protocols for the global plastic treaty
M Aanesen, JC Ahi, TG Abate, FR Khan, FP de Vries, H Kite-Powell, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 2750, 2024
Inducing value and institutional learning effects in stated choice experiments using advanced disclosure and instructional choice set treatments
TG Abate, MR Mørkbak, SB Olsen
Agricultural Economics 49 (3), 339-351, 2018
Environmental taxation of plastic bags and substitutes: Balancing marine pollution and climate change
KE Tenaw G. Abate
Journal of Environmental Management 359 (120868), 2024
A Montero auction mechanism to regulate antimicrobial consumption in agriculture
DG Belay, TG Abate, JD Jensen
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 102 (5), 1448-1467, 2020
Incentive or Punishment for Better Environmental Outcome? Evidence from a Group Output Regulation in Norwegian Aquaculture
TG Abate, DG Belay, R Tveterås
Evidence from a Group Output Regulation in Norwegian Aquaculture, 2022
Accounting for Predator-Prey Fisheries in the Cost-Effective Management of Eutrophicated Coastal Waters
K Elofsson, TG Abate, Ö Östman, M Huss
Marine Resource Economics 40 (2), 000-000, 2025
Faktorer der influerer på forsikringsudbetalinger i forbindelse med stormflod og skybrud i Danmark
TE Panduro, TG Abate
The Economics of Nature-based Solutions for Wastewater Treatment
TE Panduro, TG Abate, AM Jensen
Economic Analysis on Key Challenges for Sustainable Aquaculture Development: Live Feeds and Externalities
TG Abate
University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, Department of Food and …, 2015
Dansk kystfiskeri: Struktur og økonomi
M Nielsen, E Larsen, J Egekvist, TG Abate, R Nielsen, H Frost, ...
Københavns Universitet, 2013
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مقاله‌ها 1–18