دنبال کردن
Jo Saglie
Jo Saglie
Institute for Social Research
ایمیل تأیید شده در socialresearch.no
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Predestined parties? Organizational change in Norwegian political parties
K Heidar, J Saglie
Party Politics 9 (2), 219-239, 2003
Hva skjer med partiene?
K Heidar, J Saglie, Norge. Makt-og demokratiutredningen 1998-2003
Gyldendal akademisk, 2002
Size and e‐democracy: online participation in Norwegian local politics
J Saglie, SI Vabo
Scandinavian Political Studies 32 (4), 382-401, 2009
New technology in ageing parties: Internet use in Danish and Norwegian parties
K Pedersen, J Saglie
Party Politics 11 (3), 359-377, 2005
A decline of linkage? Intra‐party participation in Norway, 1991–2000
K Heidar, J Saglie
European Journal of Political Research 42 (6), 761-786, 2003
Lokalvalget i 1999: Rekordlav og rekordhøy deltakelse
T Bjørklund, J Saglie
Rapport–Institutt for samfunnsforskning, 2000
Democracy within Norwegian political parties: complacency or pressure for change?
J Saglie, K Heidar
Party Politics 10 (4), 385-405, 2004
Different Institutions within Similar States: The Norwegian and Swedish Sámediggis
E Josefsen, U Mörkenstam, J Saglie
Ethnopolitics 14 (1), 32-51, 2015
Party bureaucrats, independent professionals, or politicians? A study of party employees
R Karlsen, J Saglie
West European Politics 40 (6), 1331-1351, 2017
Inside the black box: Parties as multi-level organisations in a unitary state
EH Allern, J Saglie
West European Politics 35 (5), 947-970, 2012
When do consultative referendums improve democracy? Evidence from local referendums in Norway
B Folkestad, JE Klausen, J Saglie, SB Segaard
International Political Science Review 42 (2), 213-228, 2021
Promoting active citizenship: Markets and choice in Scandinavian welfare
KH Sivesind, J Saglie
Springer Nature, 2017
Lokalvalg og lokalt folkestyre
J Saglie, T Bjørklund
Gyldendal akademisk, 2005
Civil society institutions or semi-public agencies? State regulation of parties and voluntary organizations in Norway
J Saglie, KH Sivesind
Journal of Civil Society 14 (4), 292-310, 2018
Values, perceptions and European integration: The case of the Norwegian 1994 referendum
J Saglie
European Union Politics 1 (2), 227-249, 2000
Hvorfor tar kommunene imot ‘de fremmede’? Eliter og lokal skepsis
A Steen, J Saglie
Det nære demokratiet—Lokalvalg og lokal deltakelse. Abstrakt forlag, 2009
Between Opinion Leadership and ‘Contract of Disagreement’: The Norwegian Labour Party and the European Issue (1988‐1994)
J Saglie
Scandinavian Political Studies 23 (2), 93-113, 2000
Internet voting and the secret ballot in Norway: principles and popular understandings
J Saglie, SB Segaard
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 26 (2), 155-169, 2016
Attitude change and policy decisions: The case of Norwegian alcohol policy
J Saglie
Scandinavian Political Studies 19 (4), 309-327, 1996
Det norske flernivådemokratiet
M Reitan, J Saglie, E Smith
Abstrakt, 2012
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مقاله‌ها 1–20