دنبال کردن
Carlos Varela
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
A manifesto for future generation cloud computing: Research directions for the next decade
R Buyya, SN Srirama, G Casale, R Calheiros, Y Simmhan, B Varghese, ...
ACM computing surveys (CSUR) 51 (5), 1-38, 2018
Programming dynamically reconfigurable open systems with SALSA
C Varela, G Agha
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 36 (12), 20-34, 2001
Alpha shapes: definition and software
N Akkiraju, H Edelsbrunner, M Facello, P Fu, EP Mucke, C Varela
Proceedings of the 1st international computational geometry software …, 1995
Airplane flight safety using error-tolerant data stream processing
S Imai, E Blasch, A Galli, W Zhu, F Lee, CA Varela
IEEE aerospace and electronic systems magazine 32 (4), 4-17, 2017
Dynamic malleability in iterative MPI applications
K El Maghraoui, TJ Desell, BK Szymanski, CA Varela
Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid …, 2007
Transactors: a programming model for maintaining globally consistent distributed state in unreliable environments
J Field, CA Varela
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on principles of …, 2005
The internet operating system: Middleware for adaptive distributed computing
KE Maghraoui, TJ Desell, BK Szymanski, CA Varela
The international journal of high performance computing applications 20 (4 …, 2006
Elastic scalable cloud computing using application-level migration
S Imai, T Chestna, CA Varela
2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, 91-98, 2012
Malleable applications for scalable high performance computing
T Desell, KE Maghraoui, CA Varela
Cluster Computing 10, 323-337, 2007
Skedulix: Hybrid cloud scheduling for cost-efficient execution of serverless applications
A Das, A Leaf, CA Varela, S Patterson
2020 IEEE 13th international conference on cloud computing (CLOUD), 609-618, 2020
An architecture for reconfigurable iterative MPI applications in dynamic environments
K El Maghraoui, BK Szymanski, C Varela
International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 258-271, 2005
Programming Distributed Computing Systems: A Foundational Approach
CA Varela
MIT Press, 2013
An analysis of massively distributed evolutionary algorithms
T Desell, DP Anderson, M Magdon-Ismail, H Newberg, BK Szymanski, ...
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1-8, 2010
Wind-aware trajectory planning for fixed-wing aircraft in loss of thrust emergencies
S Paul, F Hole, A Zytek, CA Varela
2018 IEEE/AIAA 37th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 1-10, 2018
A hierarchical model for coordination of concurrent activities
C Varela, G Agha
International Conference on Coordination Languages and Models, 166-182, 1999
Providing data on the Web: from examples to programs
CA Varela, CC Hayes
Second International WWW Conference, Chicago, IL 17, 1994
Malleable iterative MPI applications
K El Maghraoui, TJ Desell, BK Szymanski, CA Varela
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 21 (3), 393-413, 2009
Impact of cloud computing virtualization strategies on workloads' performance
Q Wang, CA Varela
2011 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing …, 2011
Worldwide Computing with Universal Actors: Linguistic Abstractions for Naming, Migration, and Coordination
CA Varela
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001
Load Balancing of Autonomous Actors over Dynamic Networks.
TJ Desell, K El Maghraoui, CA Varela
HICSS 4, 90268.1, 2004
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مقاله‌ها 1–20