دنبال کردن
Riccardo Farneti
Riccardo Farneti
Earth System Physics Section The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste
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نقل شده توسط
North Atlantic simulations in coordinated ocean-ice reference experiments phase II (CORE-II). Part I: mean states
G Danabasoglu, SG Yeager, D Bailey, E Behrens, M Bentsen, D Bi, ...
Ocean Modelling 73, 76-107, 2014
The GFDL CM3 coupled climate model: characteristics of the ocean and sea ice simulations
SM Griffies, M Winton, LJ Donner, LW Horowitz, SM Downes, R Farneti, ...
Journal of Climate 24 (13), 3520-3544, 2011
The role of mesoscale eddies in the rectification of the Southern Ocean response to climate change
R Farneti, TL Delworth, AJ Rosati, SM Griffies, F Zeng
Journal of Physical Oceanography 40 (7), 1539-1557, 2010
Sensitivity of the overturning circulation in the Southern Ocean to decadal changes in wind forcing
MP Meredith, AC Naveira Garabato, AMC Hogg, R Farneti
Journal of Climate 25 (1), 99-110, 2012
An assessment of Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Southern Ocean meridional overturning circulation during 1958–2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations
R Farneti, SM Downes, SM Griffies, SJ Marsland, E Behrens, M Bentsen, ...
Ocean Modelling 93, 84-120, 2015
On the need of intermediate complexity general circulation models: A “SPEEDY” example
F Kucharski, F Molteni, MP King, R Farneti, IS Kang, L Feudale
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 94 (1), 25-30, 2013
Atlantic forcing of Pacific decadal variability
F Kucharski, F Ikram, F Molteni, R Farneti, IS Kang, HH No, MP King, ...
Climate Dynamics 46, 2337-2351, 2016
Tropical Pacific response to 20th century Atlantic warming
F Kucharski, IS Kang, R Farneti, L Feudale
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (3), 2011
An assessment of global and regional sea level for years 1993–2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations
SM Griffies, J Yin, PJ Durack, P Goddard, SC Bates, E Behrens, ...
Ocean Modelling 78, 35-89, 2014
An assessment of Southern Ocean water masses and sea ice during 1988–2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations
SM Downes, R Farneti, P Uotila, SM Griffies, SJ Marsland, D Bailey, ...
Ocean Modelling 94, 67-94, 2015
Thermodynamic controls of the Atlantic Niño
HC Nnamchi, J Li, F Kucharski, IS Kang, NS Keenlyside, P Chang, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8895, 2015
Delivering sustained, coordinated, and integrated observations of the Southern Ocean for global impact
L Newman, P Heil, R Trebilco, K Katsumata, A Constable, E Van Wijk, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 433, 2019
The role of mesoscale eddies in the remote oceanic response to altered Southern Hemisphere winds
R Farneti, TL Delworth
Journal of Physical Oceanography 40 (10), 2348-2354, 2010
The effects of the eddy-induced advection coefficient in a coarse-resolution coupled climate model
R Farneti, PR Gent
Ocean Modelling 39 (1-2), 135-145, 2011
The teleconnection of the tropical Atlantic to Indo-Pacific sea surface temperatures on inter-annual to centennial time scales: a review of recent findings
F Kucharski, A Parvin, B Rodriguez-Fonseca, R Farneti, M Martin-Rey, ...
Atmosphere 7 (2), 29, 2016
Impacts of wind stress on the Antarctic Circumpolar Current fronts and associated subduction
SM Downes, AS Budnick, JL Sarmiento, R Farneti
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (11), 2011
Meridional energy transport in the coupled atmosphere–ocean system: Scaling and numerical experiments
GK Vallis, R Farneti
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2009
An equatorial–extratropical dipole structure of the Atlantic Niño
HC Nnamchi, J Li, F Kucharski, IS Kang, NS Keenlyside, P Chang, ...
Journal of Climate 29 (20), 7295-7311, 2016
Pacific interdecadal variability driven by tropical–extratropical interactions
R Farneti, F Molteni, F Kucharski
Climate Dynamics 42 (11-12), 3337-3355, 2014
Meridional energy transport in the coupled atmosphere–ocean system: Compensation and partitioning
R Farneti, GK Vallis
Journal of climate 26 (18), 7151-7166, 2013
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مقاله‌ها 1–20