دنبال کردن
Scientist, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), CGIAR
ایمیل تأیید شده در cgiar.org
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Phytoremediation in tropical agroforestry
A Atangana, D Khasa, S Chang, A Degrande, A Atangana, D Khasa, ...
Tropical Agroforestry, 343-351, 2014
Domesticating indigenous fruit trees as a contribution to poverty reduction
K Schreckenberg, A Awono, A Degrande, C Mbosso, O Ndoye, ...
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 16, 35-51, 2006
Putting participatory domestication into practice in West and Central Africa
Z Tchoundjeu, EK Asaah, P Anegbeh, A Degrande, P Mbile, C Facheux, ...
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 16 (1), 53-69, 2006
Gender, agroforestry and food security in Africa
E Kiptot, S Franzel, A Degrande
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 6, 104-109, 2014
Farmers’ fruit tree-growing strategies in the humid forest zone of Cameroon and Nigeria
A Degrande, K Schreckenberg, C Mbosso, P Anegbeh, V Okafor, ...
Agroforestry Systems 67, 159-175, 2006
A planetary health perspective on agroforestry in Sub-Saharan Africa
TS Rosenstock, IK Dawson, E Aynekulu, S Chomba, A Degrande, ...
One Earth 1 (3), 330-344, 2019
The social and economic importance of Dacryodes edulis in Southern Cameroon
K Schreckenberg, A Degrande, C Mbosso, Z Boli Baboule, C Boyd, ...
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 12 (1), 15-40, 2002
Impacts of participatory tree domestication on farmer livelihoods in West and Central Africa
Z Tchoundjeu, A Degrande, RRB Leakey, G Nimino, E Kemajou, E Asaah, ...
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 19 (3), 217-234, 2010
The future of food: Domestication and commercialization of indigenous food crops in Africa over the third decade (2012–2021)
RRB Leakey, ML Tientcheu Avana, NP Awazi, AE Assogbadjo, ...
Sustainability 14 (4), 2355, 2022
Definitions and classification of agroforestry systems
A Atangana, D Khasa, S Chang, A Degrande, A Atangana, D Khasa, ...
Tropical agroforestry, 35-47, 2014
Assessing the quality of seedlings in small-scale nurseries in the highlands of Cameroon: the use of growth characteristics and quality thresholds as indicators
B Takoutsing, Z Tchoundjeu, A Degrande, E Asaah, A Gyau, F Nkeumoe, ...
Small-scale Forestry 13, 65-77, 2014
Determinants of consumer preferences for honey in the Democratic Republic of Congo
A Gyau, C Akalakou, A Degrande, A Biloso
Journal of Food Products Marketing 20 (5), 476-490, 2014
Gendered mobilities and immobilities: Women’s and men’s capacities for agricultural innovation in Kenya and Nigeria
J Bergman Lodin, A Tegbaru, R Bullock, A Degrande, LW Nkengla, ...
Gender, Place & Culture 26 (12), 1759-1783, 2019
Addressing constraints in promoting wild edible plants’ utilization in household nutrition: case of the Congo Basin forest area
PI Tata Ngome, C Shackleton, A Degrande, JC Tieguhong
Agriculture & food security 6, 1-10, 2017
Understanding the roles of forests and tree-based systems in food provision
RH Jamnadass, S McMullin, M Iiyama, IK Dawson, B Powell, C Termote, ...
IUFRO, 2015
Policy and legal frameworks governing trees: incentives or disincentives for smallholder tree planting decisions in Cameroon?
D Foundjem-Tita, Z Tchoundjeu, S Speelman, M D’Haese, A Degrande, ...
Small-scale Forestry 12, 489-505, 2013
Farmer-to-farmer extension: A low-cost approach for promoting climate-smart agriculture
S Franzel, E Kiptot, A Degrande
The climate-smart agriculture papers: Investigating the Business of a …, 2019
Agroforestry for soil conservation
A Atangana, D Khasa, S Chang, A Degrande, A Atangana, D Khasa, ...
Tropical agroforestry, 203-216, 2014
Scaling-up sustainable land management practices through the concept of the rural resource centre: reconciling farmers' interests with research agendas
T Bertin, T Zacharie, D Ann, A Ebenezar, T Alain
The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 20 (5), 463-483, 2014
Getting trees into farmers’ fields: success of rural nurseries in distributing high quality planting material in Cameroon
A Degrande, P Tadjo, B Takoutsing, E Asaah, A Tsobeng, Z Tchoundjeu
Small-scale forestry 12 (3), 403-420, 2013
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مقاله‌ها 1–20