دنبال کردن
Anne Bülow
Anne Bülow
PhD student, Erasmus University
ایمیل تأیید شده در essb.eur.nl
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Parenting adolescents in times of a pandemic: Changes in relationship quality, autonomy support, and parental control?
A Bülow, L Keijsers, S Boele, E van Roekel, JJA Denissen
Developmental Psychology 57 (10), 1582, 2021
Universal ingredients to parenting teens: Parental warmth and autonomy support promote adolescent well-being in most families
A Bülow, AB Neubauer, B Soenens, S Boele, JJA Denissen, L Keijsers
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 16836, 2022
Parent–adolescent interaction quality and adolescent affect—An experience sampling study on effect heterogeneity
A Bülow, E van Roekel, S Boele, JJA Denissen, L Keijsers
Child Development 93 (3), e315-e331, 2022
Testing transactional processes between parental support and adolescent depressive symptoms: from a daily to a biennial timescale
S Boele, S Nelemans, J Denissen, P Prinzie, A Bülow, L Keijsers
Development and Psychopathology, 2021
Measuring parent–adolescent interactions in natural habitats. The potential, status, and challenges of ecological momentary assessment
L Keijsers, S Boele, A Bülow
Current Opinion in Psychology 44, 264-269, 2022
Quantity and quality of empathic responding by autistic and non-autistic adolescent girls and boys
C Rieffe, R O’Connor, A Bülow, D Willems, L Hull, F Sedgewick, ...
Autism 25 (1), 199-209, 2021
Evaluating covariate effects on ESM measurement model changes with latent Markov factor analysis: A three-step approach
LVDE Vogelsmeier, JK Vermunt, A Bülow, K De Roover
Multivariate Behavioral Research 58 (2), 262-291, 2023
Growing up in times of COVID-19: When a window of opportunity is temporarily closed
L Keijsers, A Bülow
The new common: How the COVID-19 pandemic is transforming society, 117-123, 2021
Better, for worse, or both? Testing environmental sensitivity models with parenting at the level of individual families
S Boele, A Bülow, A de Haan, JJA Denissen, L Keijsers
Development and Psychopathology 36 (2), 674-690, 2024
Daily fluctuations in occupation with and worry about COVID-19
GMA Lodder, S Van Halem, A Bülow, MA van Scheppingen, J Weller, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 182, 111078, 2021
A moment of autonomy support brightens adolescents' mood: Autonomy support, psychological control and adolescent affect in everyday life
J van der Kaap‐Deeder, A Bülow, J Waterschoot, I Truyen, L Keijsers
Child Development 94 (6), 1659-1671, 2023
Tracking infant development with a smartphone: A practical guide to the experience sampling method
MI van den Heuvel, A Bülow, VE Heininga, EL De Moor, LHC Janssen, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 703743, 2021
The direction of effects between parenting and adolescent affective well-being in everyday life is family specific
S Boele, A Bülow, AM Beltz, A de Haan, JJA Denissen, L Keijsers
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 16106, 2023
Quaranteens: Prepandemic relationship quality and changes in adolescent internalizing problems during the COVID‐19 pandemic
KL Buist, S Boele, A Bülow, E Reitz, M Verhoeven, L Keijsers
Journal of Research on Adolescence 33 (4), 1164-1178, 2023
Like no other? A family-specific network approach to parenting adolescents
S Boele, A Bülow, AM Beltz, A de Haan, JJA Denissen, MHM de Moor, ...
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 53 (4), 982-997, 2024
Daily affect intensity and variability of adolescents and their parents before and during a COVID‐19 lockdown
LP de Vries, A Bülow, DHM Pelt, S Boele, M Bartels, L Keijsers
Journal of Adolescence 95 (2), 336-353, 2023
One hundred days of my life from the ADAPT project: Assessing the dynamics between parenting and adaptation in teens
A Bülow, S Boele, L Keijsers
Retrieved from Osf. Io/Svyau, 2020
A matter of timing? Effects of parent-adolescent conflict on adolescent Ill-being on six timescales
A Bülow, S Boele, JP Lougheed, JJA Denissen, E van Roekel, L Keijsers
PsyArXiv, 2023
Meisjes met autisme, hoe empathisch zijn ze
C Rieffe, A Bülow, D Willems, E Blijd-Hoogewys, L Stockmann
Geraadpleegd van https://openaccess. leidenuniv. nl/bitstream/handle/1887 …, 2017
Overparenting in adolescents’ everyday life: Development and validation of the momentary overparenting scale
MPCM Luijk, A Bülow, S Boele, A de Haan, J van der Kaap-Deeder, ...
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 41 (2), 480-498, 2024
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مقاله‌ها 1–20