Willingness to pay for electric vehicles and their attributes MK Hidrue, GR Parsons, W Kempton, MP Gardner Resource and energy economics 33 (3), 686-705, 2011 | 1445 | 2011 |
Travel cost models GR Parsons A primer on nonmarket valuation, 187-233, 2017 | 640 | 2017 |
Does willingness to pay for green energy differ by source? AM Borchers, JM Duke, GR Parsons Energy policy 35 (6), 3327-3334, 2007 | 572 | 2007 |
Benefit transfer: conceptual problems in estimating water quality benefits using existing studies WH Desvousges, MC Naughton, GR Parsons Water resources research 28 (3), 675-683, 1992 | 427 | 1992 |
Randomly drawn opportunity sets in a random utility model of lake recreation GR Parsons, MJ Kealy Land economics, 93-106, 1992 | 309 | 1992 |
Willingness to pay for vehicle-to-grid (V2G) electric vehicles and their contract terms GR Parsons, MK Hidrue, W Kempton, MP Gardner Energy Economics 42, 313-324, 2014 | 280 | 2014 |
Familiar and favorite sites in a random utility model of beach recreation GR Parsons, DM Massey, T Tomasi Marine Resource Economics 14 (4), 299-315, 1999 | 243* | 1999 |
Spatial boundaries and choice set definition in a random utility model of recreation demand GR Parsons, AB Hauber Land economics, 32-48, 1998 | 207 | 1998 |
Site aggregation in a random utility model of recreation GR Parsons, MS Needelman Land economics, 418-433, 1992 | 180 | 1992 |
Valuing the visual disamenity of offshore wind power projects at varying distances from the shore: an application on the Delaware shoreline AD Krueger, GR Parsons, J Firestone Land Economics 87 (2), 268-283, 2011 | 178 | 2011 |
Benefits transfer in a random utility model of recreation GR Parsons, M Jo Kealy Water Resources Research 30 (8), 2477-2484, 1994 | 144 | 1994 |
Measuring the cost of beach retreat GR Parsons, M Powell Coastal Management 29 (2), 91-103, 2001 | 143 | 2001 |
A comparison of welfare estimates from four models for linking seasonal recreational trips to multinomial logit models of site choice GR Parsons, PM Jakus, T Tomasi Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 38 (2), 143-157, 1999 | 139 | 1999 |
Valuing changes in the quality of coral reef ecosystems: a stated preference study of SCUBA diving in the Bonaire National Marine Park GR Parsons, SM Thur Environmental and Resource Economics 40, 593-608, 2008 | 132 | 2008 |
Estimation and welfare analysis with large demand systems RH von Haefen, DJ Phaneuf, GR Parsons Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 22 (2), 194-205, 2004 | 132 | 2004 |
Disability and work: The economics of American policy RV Burkhauser, RH Haveman, G Parsons (No Title), 1982 | 125 | 1982 |
An almost ideal demand system for housing attributes GR Parsons Southern Economic Journal, 347-363, 1986 | 120 | 1986 |
A demand theory for number of trips in a random utility model of recreation GR Parsons, MJ Kealy Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 29 (3), 357-367, 1995 | 117 | 1995 |
Narrow choice sets in a random utility model of recreation demand GR Parsons, AJ Plantinga, KJ Boyle Land Economics, 86-99, 2000 | 107 | 2000 |
Is there a near-term market for vehicle-to-grid electric vehicles? MK Hidrue, GR Parsons Applied Energy 151, 67-76, 2015 | 100 | 2015 |