دنبال کردن
Richard Tay
Richard Tay
ایمیل تأیید شده در rmit.edu.au
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
A multinomial logit model of pedestrian–vehicle crash severity
R Tay, J Choi, L Kattan, A Khan
International journal of sustainable transportation 5 (4), 233-249, 2011
The role of fear appeals in improving driver safety: a review of the effectiveness of fear-arousing (threat) appeals in road safety advertising.
I Lewis, B Watson, R Tay, KM White
International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy 3 (2), 203, 2007
A latent segmentation based generalized ordered logit model to examine factors influencing driver injury severity
S Yasmin, N Eluru, CR Bhat, R Tay
Analytic Methods in Accident Research 1 (1), 23-38, 2014
Effect of street pattern on the severity of crashes involving vulnerable road users
SM Rifaat, R Tay, A De Barros
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (1), 276-283, 2011
Examining the effectiveness of physical threats in road safety advertising: The role of the third-person effect, gender, and age
I Lewis, B Watson, R Tay
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 10 (1), 48-60, 2007
The effectiveness of enforcement and publicity campaigns on serious crashes involving young male drivers: Are drink driving and speeding similar?
R Tay
Accident Analysis & Prevention 37 (5), 922-929, 2005
Promoting public health messages: Should we move beyond fear-evoking appeals in road safety?
IM Lewis, B Watson, KM White, R Tay
Qualitative health research 17 (1), 61-74, 2007
Severity of motorcycle crashes in Calgary
SM Rifaat, R Tay, A De Barros
Accident Analysis & Prevention 49, 44-49, 2012
Factors contributing to the severity of intersection crashes
R Tay, SM Rifaat
Journal of Advanced Transportation 41 (3), 245-265, 2007
Changing drivers' intentions and behaviours using fear-based driver fatigue advertisements
R Tay, B Watson
Health Marketing Quarterly 19 (4), 55-68, 2002
A logistic model of the effects of roadway, environmental, vehicle, crash and driver characteristics on hit-and-run crashes
R Tay, SM Rifaat, HC Chin
Accident Analysis & Prevention 40 (4), 1330-1336, 2008
Examining driver injury severity in two vehicle crashes–A copula based approach
S Yasmin, N Eluru, AR Pinjari, R Tay
Accident Analysis & Prevention 66, 120-135, 2014
Likely behaviours of passengers under emergency evacuation in train station
N Shiwakoti, R Tay, P Stasinopoulos, PJ Woolley
Safety science 91, 40-48, 2017
Severity of urban transit bus crashes in Bangladesh
U Barua, R Tay
Journal of Advanced Transportation 44 (1), 34-41, 2010
Logistic regression model of risk of fatality in vehicle-pedestrian crashes on national highways in Bangladesh
S Sarkar, R Tay, J Hunt
Transportation Research Record 2264, 128-137, 2011
General and specific deterrent effects of traffic enforcement: do we have to catch offenders to reduce crashes?
R Tay
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP) 39 (2), 209-224, 2005
Critical determinants for mobile commerce adoption in Vietnamese small and medium-sized enterprises
NT Chau, H Deng, R Tay
Journal of Marketing Management 36 (5-6), 456-487, 2020
Correlation, variance inflation and multicollinearity in regression model
R Tay
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 12, 2006-2015, 2017
Factors contributing to hit-and-run in fatal crashes
R Tay, U Barua, L Kattan
Accident Analysis & Prevention 41 (2), 227-233, 2009
A random parameters binary probit model of urban and rural intersection crashes
R Tay
Accident Analysis and Prevention 84, 38-40, 2015
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مقاله‌ها 1–20