دنبال کردن
Zoe A Landsman
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Characterization of novel lunar highland and mare simulants for ISRU research applications
M Isachenkov, S Chugunov, Z Landsman, I Akhatov, A Metke, A Tikhonov, ...
Icarus 376, 114873, 2022
Geomechanical properties of lunar regolith simulants LHS-1 and LMS-1
JM Long-Fox, ZA Landsman, PB Easter, CA Millwater, DT Britt
Advances in Space Research 71 (12), 5400-5412, 2023
Visible spectroscopy of the Polana–Eulalia family complex: Spectral homogeneity
J De León, N Pinilla-Alonso, M Delbo, H Campins, A Cabrera-Lavers, ...
Icarus 266, 57-75, 2016
Asteroid (16) Psyche: Evidence for a silicate regolith from spitzer space telescope spectroscopy
ZA Landsman, JP Emery, H Campins, J Hanuš, LF Lim, DP Cruikshank
Icarus 304, 58-73, 2018
Portrait of the Polana–Eulalia family complex: Surface homogeneity revealed from near-infrared spectroscopy
N Pinilla-Alonso, J De Leon, KJ Walsh, H Campins, V Lorenzi, M Delbo, ...
Icarus 274, 231-248, 2016
A new investigation of hydration in the M-type asteroids
ZA Landsman, H Campins, N Pinilla-Alonso, J Hanuš, V Lorenzi
Icarus 252, 186-198, 2015
The Veritas and Themis asteroid families: 5–14 µm spectra with the Spitzer Space Telescope
ZA Landsman, J Licandro, H Campins, J Ziffer, M de Prá, DP Cruikshank
Icarus 269, 62-74, 2016
HST UV observations of asteroid (16) Psyche
TM Becker, N Cunningham, P Molyneux, L Roth, LM Feaga, ...
The Planetary Science Journal 1 (3), 53, 2020
Compositional characterization of V-type candidate asteroids identified using the MOVIS catalogue
H Medeiros, J de León, D Lazzaro, M Popescu, V Lorenzi, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488 (3), 3866-3875, 2019
Direct sheer measurements of lunar regolith simulants LHS-1, LHS-1D, LMS-1, and LMS-1D
C Millwater, J Long-Fox, Z Landsman, A Metke, D Britt
53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2678, 2038, 2022
Phobos regolith simulants PGI-1 and PCA-1
ZA Landsman, CD Schultz, DT Britt, M Peppin, RL Kobrick, PT Metzger, ...
Advances in Space Research 67 (10), 3308-3327, 2021
Comparing the effects of mineralogy and particle size distribution on the angle of repose for lunar regolith simulants
P Easter, J Long-Fox, Z Landsman, A Metke, D Britt
53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2678, 1980-2022, 2022
Applicability of simulants in developing lunar systems and infrastructure: geotechnical measurements of lunar highlands simulant LHS-1
J Long-Fox, MP Lucas, Z Landsman, C Millwater, D Britt, C Neal
Earth and Space 2022, 76-85, 2022
Lunar dust simulants and their applications
A Madison, Z Landsman, J Long-Fox, A Metke, K Krol, P Easter, C Sipe, ...
Earth and Space 2022, 86-94, 2022
Quantitative analysis of the shear strength of lunar regolith simulant for large-scale testing applications
J Long-Fox, C Millwater, Z Landsman, D Britt
2022 NASA Exploration Science Forum, 2022
Simulated asteroid and planetary materials at the CLASS exolith lab
Z Landsman, D Britt
European Planetary Science Congress, EPSC2020-906, 2020
New High Fidelity Martian and Phobos Regolith Simulants: Enabling Tools for Exploring the Mars System and ISRU Development
KM Cannon, DT Britt, PT Metzger, ZA Landsman, SD Covey, C Schultz, ...
49th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2086, 2018
Asteroid 65 Cybele: detection of small silicate grains, water-ice and organics
Z Landsman, J Licandro, H Campins, M Kelley, K Hargrove, ...
AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts# 42 42, 39.18, 2010
Estimate of water and hydroxyl abundance on asteroid (16) Psyche from JWST data
SG Jarmak, TM Becker, CE Woodward, CI Honniball, AS Rivkin, ...
The Planetary Science Journal 5 (8), 183, 2024
Investigating the effects of composition on granular surface area: gas sorption analyses of high-fidelity lunar highlands and carbonaceous chondrite asteroid regolith simulants
J Long-Fox, J Perman, Z Landsman, A Metke, DT Britt
Proc. 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2022
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مقاله‌ها 1–20