مقاله‌های دارای تعهدات انتشار عمومی - William A Cunninghamبیشتر بدانید
جای دیگری دردسترس نیست: یک
Deliberative control is more than just reactive: Insights from sequential sampling models.
H Cho, YY Teoh, WA Cunningham, CA Hutcherson
Behavioral & Brain Sciences 46, 2023
تعهدات: US National Science Foundation
جای دیگری دردسترس است: ۴۷
Variability in the analysis of a single neuroimaging dataset by many teams
R Botvinik-Nezer, F Holzmeister, CF Camerer, A Dreber, J Huber, ...
Nature 582 (7810), 84-88, 2020
تعهدات: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Austrian …
Motivational salience: Amygdala tuning from traits, needs, values, and goals
WA Cunningham, T Brosch
Current Directions in Psychological Science 21 (1), 54-59, 2012
تعهدات: Swiss National Science Foundation
National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic
JJ Van Bavel, A Cichocka, V Capraro, H Sjåstad, JB Nezlek, T Pavlović, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 517, 2022
تعهدات: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, Austrian Science Fund …
The rise of affectivism
D Dukes, K Abrams, R Adolphs, ME Ahmed, A Beatty, KC Berridge, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (7), 816-820, 2021
تعهدات: Swiss National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, John D …
AI and the transformation of social science research
I Grossmann, M Feinberg, DC Parker, NA Christakis, PE Tetlock, ...
Science 380 (6650), 1108-1109, 2023
تعهدات: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Crowdsourcing hypothesis tests: Making transparent how design choices shape research results.
JF Landy, ML Jia, IL Ding, D Viganola, W Tierney, A Dreber, ...
Psychological bulletin 146 (5), 451, 2020
تعهدات: Austrian Science Fund, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Bank of Sweden …
Postpartum depression and brain response to infants: Differential amygdala response and connectivity
KE Wonch, CB de Medeiros, JA Barrett, A Dudin, WA Cunningham, ...
Social neuroscience 11 (6), 600-617, 2016
تعهدات: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Reconsidering autistic ‘camouflaging’as transactional impression management
W Ai, WA Cunningham, MC Lai
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 26 (8), 631-645, 2022
تعهدات: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Attentional priorities drive effects of time pressure on altruistic choice
YY Teoh, Z Yao, WA Cunningham, CA Hutcherson
Nature communications 11 (1), 3534, 2020
تعهدات: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Exploring the self-ownership effect: Separating stimulus and response biases.
M Golubickis, JK Falben, WA Cunningham, CN Macrae
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 44 (2), 295, 2018
تعهدات: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries
F Azevedo, T Pavlović, GG Rêgo, FC Ay, B Gjoneska, TW Etienne, ...
Scientific data 10 (1), 272, 2023
تعهدات: Austrian Science Fund, UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research …
Self-prioritization and perceptual matching: The effects of temporal construal
M Golubickis, JK Falben, A Sahraie, A Visokomogilski, WA Cunningham, ...
Memory & Cognition 45, 1223-1239, 2017
تعهدات: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Elevated striatal reactivity across monetary and social rewards in bipolar I disorder.
SJ Dutra, WA Cunningham, H Kober, J Gruber
Journal of abnormal psychology 124 (4), 890, 2015
تعهدات: US National Institutes of Health
Implicit cognition and psychopathology: Looking back and looking forward
BA Teachman, EM Clerkin, WA Cunningham, S Dreyer-Oren, A Werntz
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 15 (1), 123-148, 2019
تعهدات: US National Institutes of Health
Parts of me: Identity-relevance moderates self-prioritization
M Golubickis, JK Falbén, NSP Ho, J Sui, WA Cunningham, CN Macrae
Consciousness and cognition 77, 102848, 2020
تعهدات: UK Economic and Social Research Council
The psychology of hate: Moral concerns differentiate hate from dislike
C Pretus, JL Ray, Y Granot, WA Cunningham, JJ Van Bavel
European Journal of Social Psychology 53 (2), 336-353, 2023
تعهدات: US National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
Neural dissociations in attitude strength: Distinct regions of cingulate cortex track ambivalence and certainty.
A Luttrell, PE Stillman, AE Hasinski, WA Cunningham
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (4), 419, 2016
تعهدات: US National Science Foundation
Neurological evidence for the role of construal level in future-directed thought
PE Stillman, H Lee, X Deng, HR Unnava, WA Cunningham, K Fujita
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 12 (6), 937-947, 2017
تعهدات: US National Science Foundation
Novelty and uncertainty regulate the balance between exploration and exploitation through distinct mechanisms in the human brain
J Cockburn, V Man, WA Cunningham, JP O’Doherty
Neuron 110 (16), 2691-2702. e8, 2022
تعهدات: US National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
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