مقالههای دارای تعهدات انتشار عمومی - Seth Polsleyبیشتر بدانید
جای دیگری دردسترس نیست: یک
Perception testing for maritime surveillance
RN Czerwinski, K Rimpau, S Polsley, W McGhee
Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XXXIII …, 2022
تعهدات: US Department of Defense
جای دیگری دردسترس است: ۵
Leveraging trends in student interaction to enhance the effectiveness of sketch-based educational software
S Polsley, J Ray, T Nelligan, M Helms, J Linsey, T Hammond
Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink: The Impact of Pen and Touch …, 2016
تعهدات: US National Science Foundation
Score improvement distribution when using sketch recognition software (Mechanix) as a tutor: Assessment of a high school classroom pilot
R Brooks, JI Koh, S Polsley, T Hammond
Frontiers in Pen and Touch: Impact of Pen and Touch Technology on Education …, 2017
تعهدات: US National Science Foundation
An intelligent system to analyze sketched solutions to open-ended truss problems
M Runyon, S Polsley, B Williford, SNC Liu, J Hurt, J Linsey, T Hammond
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Intelligent User …, 2021
تعهدات: US National Science Foundation
The Disconnect Between Engineering Students’ Desire to Discuss Racial Injustice in the Classroom and Faculty Anxieties
TA Hammond, S Ray, P Taele, S Thomas, K Watson, CA Stanley, ...
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference, 2021
تعهدات: US National Science Foundation
Using Neural Networks to Distinguish Children’s Age with Visual Features of Sketches
A Patel, S Polsley, TA Hammond
2022 ASEE Gulf Southwest Annual Conference, 2022
تعهدات: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
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