دنبال کردن
Xiaotao Lü (吕晓涛)
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Aridity threshold in controlling ecosystem nitrogen cycling in arid and semi-arid grasslands
C Wang, X Wang, D Liu, H Wu, X Lü, Y Fang, W Cheng, W Luo, P Jiang, ...
Nature communications 5, 4799, 2014
Habitat-specific patterns and drivers of bacterial β-diversity in China’s drylands
XB Wang, XT Lü, J Yao, ZW Wang, Y Deng, WX Cheng, JZ Zhou, XG Han
The ISME journal 11 (6), 1345-1358, 2017
Nitrogen deposition weakens plant–microbe interactions in grassland ecosystems
C Wei, Q Yu, E Bai, X Lü, Q Li, J Xia, P Kardol, W Liang, Z Wang, X Han
Global change biology 19 (12), 3688-3697, 2013
Convergent responses of nitrogen and phosphorus resorption to nitrogen inputs in a semiarid grassland
XT Lü, S Reed, Q Yu, NP He, ZW Wang, XG Han
Global change biology 19 (9), 2775-2784, 2013
Nitrogen enrichment weakens ecosystem stability through decreased species asynchrony and population stability in a temperate grassland
Y Zhang, M Loreau, X Lü, N He, G Zhang, X Han
Global change biology 22 (4), 1445-1455, 2016
Rapid plant species loss at high rates and at low frequency of N addition in temperate steppe
Y Zhang, X Lü, F Isbell, C Stevens, X Han, N He, G Zhang, Q Yu, J Huang, ...
Global change biology 20 (11), 3520-3529, 2014
Nutrient resorption responses to water and nitrogen amendment in semi-arid grassland of Inner Mongolia, China
XT Lü, XG Han
Plant and Soil 327, 481-491, 2010
Nitrogen addition regulates soil nematode community composition through ammonium suppression
C Wei, H Zheng, Q Li, X Lü, Q Yu, H Zhang, Q Chen, N He, P Kardol, ...
PloS one 7 (8), e43384, 2012
Nitrogen and water availability interact to affect leaf stoichiometry in a semi-arid grassland
XT Lü, DL Kong, QM Pan, ME Simmons, XG Han
Oecologia 168, 301-310, 2012
Scale-dependent effects of climate and geographic distance on bacterial diversity patterns across northern China's grasslands
X Wang, JD Van Nostrand, Y Deng, X Lü, C Wang, J Zhou, X Han
FEMS microbiology ecology 91 (12), fiv133, 2015
Plasticity in leaf and stem nutrient resorption proficiency potentially reinforces plant–soil feedbacks and microscale heterogeneity in a semi‐arid grassland
XT Lü, GT Freschet, DFB Flynn, XG Han
Journal of Ecology 100, 144-150, 2012
Changes in specific leaf area of dominant plants in temperate grasslands along a 2500-km transect in northern China.
M Liu, Z Wang, S Li, X Lü, X Wang, X Han
Scientific reports 7 (1), 10780, 2017
Plant nitrogen uptake drives responses of productivity to nitrogen and water addition in a grassland
XT Lü, FA Dijkstra, DL Kong, ZW Wang, XG Han
Scientific reports 4, 4817, 2014
Changes in litter quality induced by N deposition alter soil microbial communities
Y Li, TM Bezemer, J Yang, X Lü, X Li, W Liang, X Han, Q Li
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 130, 33-42, 2019
Methane emissions from the trunks of living trees on upland soils
ZP Wang, Q Gu, FD Deng, JH Huang, JP Megonigal, Q Yu, XT Lü, LH Li, ...
New Phytologist 211 (2), 429-439, 2016
Soil moisture and land use are major determinants of soil microbial community composition and biomass at a regional scale in northeastern China
L Ma, C Guo, X Lü, S Yuan, R Wang
Biogeosciences 12 (8), 2585-2596, 2015
Ecosystem carbon storage and partitioning in a tropical seasonal forest in Southwestern China
XT Lü, JX Yin, MR Jepsen, JW Tang
Forest Ecology and Management 260 (10), 1798-1803, 2010
Increasing rates of long‐term nitrogen deposition consistently increased litter decomposition in a semi‐arid grassland
SL Hou, S Hättenschwiler, JJ Yang, S Sistla, HW Wei, ZW Zhang, YY Hu, ...
New Phytologist 229 (1), 296-307, 2021
Carbon limitation overrides acidification in mediating soil microbial activity to nitrogen enrichment in a temperate grassland
Q Ning, S Hättenschwiler, X Lü, P Kardol, Y Zhang, C Wei, C Xu, J Huang, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (22), 5976-5988, 2021
Salt tolerance during seed germination and early seedling stages of 12 halophytes
H Zhang, G Zhang, X Lü, D Zhou, X Han
Plant and Soil 388 (1-2), 229-241, 2015
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مقاله‌ها 1–20