مقالههای دارای تعهدات انتشار عمومی - Marcus Nüsserبیشتر بدانید
جای دیگری دردسترس نیست: ۳
Recession of Gya Glacier and the 2014 glacial lake outburst flood in the Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh, India
U Majeed, I Rashid, A Sattar, S Allen, M Stoffel, M Nüsser, S Schmidt
Science of the Total Environment 756, 144008, 2021
تعهدات: Department of Science & Technology, India
Herding on high grounds: Diversity and typology of pastoral systems in the eastern Hindukush (Chitral, Northwest Pakistan)
M Nüsser, A Holdschlag
Pastoral practices in High Asia: Agency of'development'effected by …, 2012
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Contested fuelscapes: Producing charcoal in sub‐Saharan drylands
C Bergmann, P Roden, M Nüsser
Area 51 (1), 55-63, 2019
تعهدات: German Research Foundation, Volkswagen Foundation
جای دیگری دردسترس است: ۲۸
The Indian Sundarban mangrove forests: history, utilization, conservation strategies and local perception
A Ghosh, S Schmidt, T Fickert, M Nüsser
Diversity 7 (2), 149-169, 2015
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Food security in high mountain regions: Agricultural production and the impact of food subsidies in Ladakh, Northern India
J Dame, M Nüsser
Food Security 3, 179-194, 2011
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Irrigation and development in the Upper Indus Basin: characteristics and recent changes of a socio-hydrological system in Central Ladakh, India
M Nüsser, S Schmidt, J Dame
Mountain Research and Development 32 (1), 51-61, 2012
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Changes of high altitude glaciers in the Trans-Himalaya of Ladakh over the past five decades (1969–2016)
S Schmidt, M Nüsser
Geosciences 7 (2), 27, 2017
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Socio-hydrology of “artificial glaciers” in Ladakh, India: assessing adaptive strategies in a changing cryosphere
M Nüsser, J Dame, B Kraus, R Baghel, S Schmidt
Regional Environmental Change 19, 1327-1337, 2019
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Fluctuations of Raikot Glacier during the last 70 years: a case study from the Nanga Parbat Massif, Northern Pakistan
S Schmidt, M Nusser
Journal of Glaciology 55 (194), 949-959, 2009
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Cryosphere-fed irrigation networks in the northwestern Himalaya: precarious livelihoods and adaptation strategies under the impact of climate change
M Nüsser, J Dame, S Parveen, B Kraus, R Baghel, S Schmidt
Mountain Research and Development 39 (2), R1-R11, 2019
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
No significant mass loss in the glaciers of Astore Basin (North-Western Himalaya), between 1999 and 2016
S Muhammad, L Tian, M Nüsser
Journal of Glaciology 65 (250), 270-278, 2019
تعهدات: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Glacier changes on the Nanga Parbat 1856–2020: A multi-source retrospective analysis
M Nüsser, S Schmidt
Science of the Total Environment 785, 147321, 2021
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Distribution and relevance of aufeis (icing) in the Upper Indus Basin
D Brombierstäudl, S Schmidt, M Nüsser
Science of the Total Environment 780, 146604, 2021
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Large Dams in Asia: Contested environments between technological hydroscapes and social resistance
M Nüsser
Springer, 2014
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Tracing divergent livelihood pathways in the drylands: a perspective on two spatially proximate locations in Laikipia County, Kenya
P Roden, C Bergmann, A Ulrich, M Nüsser
Journal of Arid Environments 124, 239-248, 2016
تعهدات: Volkswagen Foundation
Knowledge priorities on climate change and water in the Upper Indus Basin: A horizon scanning exercise to identify the top 100 research questions in social and natural sciences
A Orr, B Ahmad, U Alam, AN Appadurai, ZP Bharucha, H Biemans, ...
Earth's Future 10 (4), e2021EF002619, 2022
تعهدات: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Heterogeneity in glacier thinning and slowdown of ice movement in the Garhwal Himalaya, India
R Bhambri, S Schmidt, P Chand, M Nüsser, U Haritashya, K Sain, ...
Science of The Total Environment 875, 162625, 2023
تعهدات: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Department of Science …
Politics of scale in a high mountain border region: being mobile among the Bhotiyas of the Kumaon Himalaya, India
C Bergmann, M Gerwin, WS Sax, M Nüsser
Nomadic Peoples 15 (2), 104-129, 2011
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Contextualizing land‐use and land‐cover change with local knowledge: A case study from Pokot Central, Kenya
M Petersen, C Bergmann, P Roden, M Nüsser
Land Degradation & Development 32 (10), 2992-3007, 2021
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Rapid urban growth and earthquake risk in Musikot, mid-western Hills, Nepal
J Anhorn, T Lennartz, M Nüsser
Erdkunde 69 (4), 307-325, 2015
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
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