دنبال کردن
Dr Manuel Lequerica Támara
Dr Manuel Lequerica Támara
Schoool of Life and Environmental Sciences, The University of Sydney
ایمیل تأیید شده در sydney.edu.au - صفحهٔ اصلی
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Dual ecosystem services of syrphid flies (Diptera: Syrphidae): pollinators and biological control agents
L Dunn, M Lequerica, CR Reid, T Latty
Pest management science 76 (6), 1973-1979, 2020
Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover
JS Santangelo, RW Ness, B Cohan, CR Fitzpatrick, SG Innes, S Koch, ...
Science 375 (6586), 1275-1281, 2022
Stingless bee floral visitation in the global tropics and subtropics
FGB Bueno, L Kendall, DA Alves, ML Tamara, T Heard, T Latty, R Gloag
Global Ecology and Conservation 43, e02454, 2023
Major insect groups show distinct responses to local and regional attributes of urban green spaces
M Lequerica Tamara, T Latty, CG Threlfall, DF Hochuli
Landscape and Urban Planning 216 (104238), 2021
Evidencia en la direccionalidad del proceso de sucesión temprana del bosque altoandino
M Lequerica, M Bernal, PR Stevenson Díaz
Colombia forestal 20 (1), 63-84, 2017
Stingless bee floral visitation in the global tropics and subtropics. Glob. Ecol. Conserv. 43 (43): e02454
FGB Bueno, L Kendall, DA Alves, ML Tamara, T Heard, T Latty, R Gloag
Responses of hover fly diversity and abundance to urbanisation and local attributes of urban greenspaces
MEL Tamara, T Latty, CG Threlfall, A Young, DF Hochuli
Basic and Applied Ecology 70, 12-26, 2023
Reimagining urban habitats to benefit people and nature
CG Threlfall, C Farrell, ME Lequerica Tamara, DF Hochuli
Australian Zoologist, 2024
Urbanisation and environmental modification as drivers of insect community diversity and composition in Sydney, Australia
M Lequerica
University of Sydney, 2018
Directionality evidence in high andean forest early successional process
M Lequerica, M Bernal, PR Stevenson
Colombia Forestal 20 (1), 63-84, 2017
Honeybee condition in urban ecosystems: Are cities hostile environments for insect pollinators?
M Lequerica, P Salonen, T Latty, C Threlfall, DF Hochuli
2016 International Congress of Entomology, 2016
Evaluation of the Upgrade Effects in Four Sewage Treatment Plants in NSW, Australia; Analysing the consequences of qualitative and quantitative upgrades in sewage treatment
M Lequerica, R McInnes
Water e-journal 1 (2), 2016
Sucesión temprana en el bosque Altoandino
M Lequerica
Uniandes, 2012
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–13