مقاله‌های دارای تعهدات انتشار عمومی - Mike Raynerبیشتر بدانید
جای دیگری دردسترس نیست: ۵
A systematic review of nutrient composition data available for twelve commercially available edible insects, and comparison with reference values
CLR Payne, P Scarborough, M Rayner, K Nonaka
Trends in Food Science & Technology 47, 69-77, 2016
تعهدات: British Heart Foundation
The effects of the Danish saturated fat tax on food and nutrient intake and modelled health outcomes: an econometric and comparative risk assessment evaluation
S Smed, P Scarborough, M Rayner, JD Jensen
European journal of clinical nutrition 70 (6), 681-686, 2016
تعهدات: British Heart Foundation
Use of nutrition and health claims and symbols on prepacked foods in europe: from consumer exposure to public health implications
I Pravst, A Kušar, K Miklavec, S Hieke, M Raats, M Rayner
تعهدات: Slovenian Research Agency
Bans, Taxes or Product Placement? Applying the Liberal Perfectionist Proviso to Public Health Food Policy
O Thomas, M Sheehan, M Rayner
The American Journal of Bioethics 21 (9), 51-53, 2021
تعهدات: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Nutrient profile models for front-of-pack nutrition labelling: a systematic review
MS Bica, JA Renzella, A Kaur, MJ Rayner
The Lancet 404, S32, 2024
تعهدات: UK Economic and Social Research Council, National Institute for Health …
جای دیگری دردسترس است: ۱۳۴
Options for keeping the food system within environmental limits
M Springmann, M Clark, D Mason-D’Croz, K Wiebe, BL Bodirsky, ...
Nature 562 (7728), 519-525, 2018
تعهدات: US Department of Agriculture, Swedish Research Council for Environment …
Cardiovascular disease in Europe: epidemiological update 2016
N Townsend, L Wilson, P Bhatnagar, K Wickramasinghe, M Rayner, ...
European heart journal 37 (42), 3232-3245, 2016
تعهدات: British Heart Foundation
Analysis and valuation of the health and climate change cobenefits of dietary change
M Springmann, HCJ Godfray, M Rayner, P Scarborough
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (15), 4146-4151, 2016
تعهدات: British Heart Foundation, UK Natural Environment Research Council
Health and nutritional aspects of sustainable diet strategies and their association with environmental impacts: a global modelling analysis with country-level detail
M Springmann, K Wiebe, D Mason-D'Croz, TB Sulser, M Rayner, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 2 (10), e451-e461, 2018
تعهدات: British Heart Foundation, Wellcome Trust, CGIAR
Cardiovascular disease in Europe—epidemiological update 2015
N Townsend, M Nichols, P Scarborough, M Rayner
European heart journal 36 (40), 2696-2705, 2015
تعهدات: British Heart Foundation
Quantifying the association between physical activity and cardiovascular disease and diabetes: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
A Wahid, N Manek, M Nichols, P Kelly, C Foster, P Webster, A Kaur, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 5 (9), e002495, 2016
تعهدات: British Heart Foundation
INFORMAS (I nternational N etwork for F ood and O besity/non‐communicable diseases R esearch, M onitoring and A ction S upport): overview and key principles
B Swinburn, G Sacks, S Vandevijvere, S Kumanyika, T Lobstein, B Neal, ...
Obesity reviews 14, 1-12, 2013
تعهدات: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
The economic burden of ill health due to diet, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol and obesity in the UK: an update to 2006–07 NHS costs
P Scarborough, P Bhatnagar, KK Wickramasinghe, S Allender, C Foster, ...
Journal of public health 33 (4), 527-535, 2011
تعهدات: British Heart Foundation
Cardiovascular disease in Europe: epidemiological update
M Nichols, N Townsend, P Scarborough, M Rayner
European heart journal 34 (39), 3028-3034, 2013
تعهدات: British Heart Foundation
Global and regional health effects of future food production under climate change: a modelling study
M Springmann, D Mason-D'Croz, S Robinson, T Garnett, HCJ Godfray, ...
The Lancet 387 (10031), 1937-1946, 2016
تعهدات: British Heart Foundation, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research …
The epidemiology of cardiovascular disease in the UK 2014
P Bhatnagar, K Wickramasinghe, J Williams, M Rayner, N Townsend
Heart 101 (15), 1182-1189, 2015
تعهدات: British Heart Foundation
Determinants of the decline in mortality from acute myocardial infarction in England between 2002 and 2010: linked national database study
K Smolina, FL Wright, M Rayner, MJ Goldacre
Bmj 344, 2012
تعهدات: US National Institutes of Health, British Heart Foundation
The healthiness and sustainability of national and global food based dietary guidelines: modelling study
M Springmann, L Spajic, MA Clark, J Poore, A Herforth, P Webb, ...
bmj 370, 2020
تعهدات: British Heart Foundation, Wellcome Trust
Trends in age-specific coronary heart disease mortality in the European Union over three decades: 1980–2009
M Nichols, N Townsend, P Scarborough, M Rayner
European heart journal 34 (39), 3017-3027, 2013
تعهدات: British Heart Foundation
The burden of physical activity-related ill health in the UK
S Allender, C Foster, P Scarborough, M Rayner
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 61 (4), 344-348, 2007
تعهدات: British Heart Foundation
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