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Alexey Galda
Alexey Galda
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نقل شده توسط
Quantum computing for finance
D Herman, C Googin, X Liu, Y Sun, A Galda, I Safro, M Pistoia, Y Alexeev
Nature Reviews Physics 5 (8), 450-465, 2023
A survey of quantum computing for finance
D Herman, C Googin, X Liu, A Galda, I Safro, Y Sun, M Pistoia, Y Alexeev
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.02773, 2022
Experimental high-dimensional Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement with superconducting transmon qutrits
A Cervera-Lierta, M Krenn, A Aspuru-Guzik, A Galda
Physical review applied 17 (2), 024062, 2022
Broadband nonreciprocity enabled by strong coupling of magnons and microwave photons
X Zhang, A Galda, X Han, D Jin, VM Vinokur
Physical Review Applied 13 (4), 044039, 2020
Transferability of optimal QAOA parameters between random graphs
A Galda, X Liu, D Lykov, Y Alexeev, I Safro
2021 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE …, 2021
Tensor network quantum simulator with step-dependent parallelization
D Lykov, R Schutski, A Galda, V Vinokur, Y Alexeev
2022 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE …, 2022
Parity-time symmetry breaking in magnetic systems
A Galda, VM Vinokur
Physical Review B 94 (2), 020408, 2016
Fluctuation spectroscopy: From Rayleigh-Jeans waves to Abrikosov vortex clusters
AA Varlamov, A Galda, A Glatz
Reviews of Modern Physics 90 (1), 015009, 2018
Controllable skyrmion chirality in ferroelectrics
Y Tikhonov, S Kondovych, J Mangeri, M Pavlenko, L Baudry, A Sené, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 8657, 2020
Branching quantum convolutional neural networks
I MacCormack, C Delaney, A Galda, N Aggarwal, P Narang
Physical Review Research 4 (1), 013117, 2022
Thermoelectric current in a graphene Cooper pair splitter
ZB Tan, A Laitinen, NS Kirsanov, A Galda, VM Vinokur, M Haque, A Savin, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 138, 2021
Implementing a Ternary Decomposition of the Toffoli Gate on Fixed-Frequency Transmon Qutrits
A Galda, M Cubeddu, N Kanazawa, P Narang, N Earnest-Noble
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.00558, 2021
Error mitigation for deep quantum optimization circuits by leveraging problem symmetries
R Shaydulin, A Galda
2021 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE …, 2021
Parity-time symmetry-breaking mechanism of dynamic Mott transitions in dissipative systems
V Tripathi, A Galda, H Barman, VM Vinokur
Physical Review B 94 (4), 041104, 2016
Parity-time symmetry breaking in spin chains
A Galda, VM Vinokur
Physical Review B 97 (20), 201411, 2018
Augmenting qaoa ansatz with multiparameter problem-independent layer
M Chalupnik, H Melo, Y Alexeev, A Galda
2022 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE …, 2022
Linear dynamics of classical spin as Möbius transformation
A Galda, VМ Vinokur
Scientific reports 7 (1), 1168, 2017
Similarity-based parameter transferability in the quantum approximate optimization algorithm
A Galda, E Gupta, J Falla, X Liu, D Lykov, Y Alexeev, I Safro
Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology 2, 1200975, 2023
Exceptional points in classical spin dynamics
A Galda, VM Vinokur
Scientific reports 9 (1), 17484, 2019
Scaling universality at the dynamic vortex Mott transition
M Lankhorst, N Poccia, MP Stehno, A Galda, H Barman, F Coneri, ...
Physical Review B 97 (2), 020504, 2018
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مقاله‌ها 1–20