دنبال کردن
Márta Volosin
Márta Volosin
رابطه نامشخص
ایمیل تأیید شده در ttk.mta.hu
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نقل شده توسط
Combining survey-based and neuroscience measurements in customer acceptance of self-driving technology
M Lukovics, S Prónay, Z Majó-Petri, P Kovács, T Ujházi, M Volosin, ...
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 95, 46-58, 2023
Physiological measurements in social acceptance of self driving technologies
Z Palatinus, M Volosin, E Csábi, E Hallgató, E Hajnal, M Lukovics, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 13312, 2022
Hungarian version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) for screening mild cognitive impairment
M Volosin, K Janacsek, D Németh
Psychiatria Hungarica: A Magyar Pszichiatriai Tarsasag Tudomanyos Folyoirata …, 2013
Knowledge of sequence structure prevents auditory distraction: An ERP study
M Volosin, J Horváth
International Journal of Psychophysiology 92 (3), 93-98, 2014
Task difficulty modulates voluntary attention allocation, but not distraction in an auditory distraction paradigm
M Volosin, J Horváth
Brain Research 1727, 146565, 2020
Pánik próbája a mérés: Avagy önvezető technológiák elfogadásának valós idejű vizsgálata neurotudományi mérésekkel
S Prónay, M Lukovics, P Kovács, Z Majó-Petri, T Ujházi, Z Palatinus, ...
Vezetéstudomány-Budapest Management Review 53 (7), 48-62, 2022
Task-optimal auditory attention set restored as fast in older as in younger adults after distraction
M Volosin, ZA Gaál, J Horváth
Biological psychology 126, 71-81, 2017
A Montreal Kognitiv Felmérés (MoCA) magyar nyelvű adaptálása egészséges, enyhe kognitív zavarban és demenciában szenvedő idős személyek körében
M Volosin, K Janacsek, D Németh
PSYCHIATRIA HUNGARICA 28 (4), 370-392, 2013
Exploiting temporal predictability: Event-related potential correlates of task-supportive temporal cue processing in auditory distraction
M Volosin, S Grimm, J Horváth
Brain research 1639, 120-131, 2016
The association between metamemory, subjective memory complaints, mood, and well-being: the Hungarian validation of Multifactorial Memory Questionnaire
E Csábi, E Hallgató, M Volosin
Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 8 (1), 15, 2023
Age-related processing delay reveals cause of apparent sensory excitability following auditory stimulation
M Volosin, ZA Gaál, J Horváth
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 10143, 2017
Sound offset-related brain potentials show retained sensory processing, but increased cognitive control activity in older adults
J Horváth, ZA Gaál, M Volosin
Neurobiology of Aging 57, 232-246, 2017
Validation of the Hungarian version of the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire (CFQ)
M Volosin, E Hallgató, E Csábi
Heliyon, e12910, 2023
Pre-attentive auditory change detection for rapid auditory transient combinations: Insight from age-related processing changes
M Volosin, I Czigler, J Horváth
Biological Psychology 159, 108024, 2021
Force and electromyography reflections of sensory action-effect weighting during pinching
M Volosin, J Horváth
Human Movement Science 84, 102969, 2022
Passenger physiology in self-driving vehicles during unexpected events
Z Palatinus, M Lukovics, M Volosin, Z Dudás, S Prónay, Z Majó-Petri, ...
Scientific Reports 15 (1), 7899, 2025
Predictors of subjective memory functioning in young adults
E Csábi, FM Kovács, M Volosin
BMC psychiatry 25 (1), 155, 2025
The leading role of personality in concerns about autonomous vehicles
M Volosin, M Kálnay, Á Bánffi, N Nyeső, GV Molnár, Z Palatinus, T Martos
Plos one 19 (6), e0301895, 2024
Burnout among European IBD specialists: a survey supported by ECCO
A Dávid, M Volosin, K Farkas, T Resál, C Keresztes, B Rafael, T Molnár
Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 16, 17562848231214086, 2023
Physiological measurements of passengers in self-driving cars encountering unexpected road events
Z Palatinus, M Volosin, Z Dudás, M Lukovics, Z Majó-Petri, S Prónay, ...
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20