دنبال کردن
Eder S. Martins
Eder S. Martins
Pesquisador A, Embrapa Cerrados. Professor orientador de Cursos de Pós-Graduação da UnB
ایمیل تأیید شده در embrapa.br
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Solos do bioma Cerrado: aspectos pedológicos
A Reatto, JR Correia, ST Spera, ÉS Martins
Cerrado: ambiente e flora. Planaltina: Embrapa-CPAC, 47-86, 1998
De grão em grão, o Cerrado perde espaço
CJR Alho, ES Martins
Brasília: WWF, 66, 1995
Cerrado ecoregions: A spatial framework to assess and prioritize Brazilian savanna environmental diversity for conservation
EE Sano, AA Rodrigues, ES Martins, GM Bettiol, MMC Bustamante, ...
Journal of environmental management 232, 818-828, 2019
Solid state production of thermostable pectinases from thermophilic Thermoascus aurantiacus
ES Martins, D Silva, R Da Silva, E Gomes
Process Biochemistry 37 (9), 949-954, 2002
Solid speciation and availability of chromium in ultramafic soils from Niquelândia, Brazil
J Garnier, C Quantin, ES Martins, T Becquer
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 88 (1-3), 206-209, 2006
Validity of the centrifuge method for determining the water retention properties of tropical soils
A Reatto, EM da Silva, A Bruand, ES Martins, JEFW Lima
Soil Science Society of America Journal 72 (6), 1547-1553, 2008
Karst depression detection using ASTER, ALOS/PRISM and SRTM-derived digital elevation models in the Bambuí Group, Brazil
OA de Carvalho Júnior, RF Guimarães, DR Montgomery, AR Gillespie, ...
Remote Sensing 6 (1), 330-351, 2013
Understanding the genesis of ultramafic soils and catena dynamics in Niquelândia, Brazil
J Garnier, C Quantin, E Guimarães, VK Garg, ES Martins, T Becquer
Geoderma 151 (3-4), 204-214, 2009
Classes de solo em relação aos controles da paisagem do bioma Cerrado
A REATTO, ÉS Martins
Cerrado: ecologia, biodiversidade e conservação. Brasília: Ministério do …, 2005
On the track of the road: changes in subsistence hunting in a Brazilian Amazonian village.
JM Ayres, D Megalhães Lima, E Souza Martins, JLK Barreiros
Mapa pedológico digital-SIG atualizado do Distrito Federal escala 1: 100.000 e uma síntese do texto explicativo
A Reatto, ÉS Martins, MFR Farias, AV Silva, OA Carvalho Júnior
Embrapa Cerrados, 2004
Hydraulic properties of the diagnostic horizon of Latosols of a regional toposequence across the Brazilian Central Plateau
A Reatto, A Bruand, EM Silva, ES Martins, M Brossard
Geoderma 139 (1-2), 51-59, 2007
Geochemistry and spatial distribution of heavy metals in Oxisols in a mineralized region of the Brazilian Central Plateau
DL Burak, MPF Fontes, NT Santos, LVS Monteiro, E de Sousa Martins, ...
Geoderma 160 (2), 131-142, 2010
Compartimentação geomorfológica e sistemas morfodinâmicos do Distrito Federal
IEMA/SEMATEC/UnB 1, 89-137, 1998
Continuous-time and discrete-time sliding mode control accomplished using a computer
JPF Garcia, JMS Ribeiro, JJF Silva, ES Martins
IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications 152 (2), 220-228, 2005
Relationship between climatic factors and air quality with tuberculosis in the Federal District, Brazil, 2003-2012
FMC Fernandes, ES Martins, DMAS Pedrosa, MSN Evangelista
Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases 21, 369-375, 2017
Análise das mudanças do uso agrícola da terra a partir de dados de sensoriamento remoto multitemporal no município de Luis Eduardo Magalhães (BA-Brasil)
AB Menke, OA Carvalho Junior, RAT Gomes, ÉS Martins, SN Oliveira
Sociedade & Natureza 21, 315-326, 2009
Development and origin of the microgranular structure in Latosols of the Brazilian Central Plateau: Significance of texture, mineralogy, and biological activity
A Reatto, A Bruand, E de Souza Martins, F Muller, EM da Silva, ...
Catena 76 (2), 122-134, 2009
Evolução geomorfológica do Distrito Federal
ÉS Martins, A Reatto, OA Carvalho Júnior, RF Guimarães
Embrapa-Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária Centro de Pesquisa …, 2004
Potentially toxic metals in ultramafic mining materials: identification of the main bearing and reactive phases
S Raous, G Echevarria, T Sterckeman, K Hanna, F Thomas, ES Martins, ...
Geoderma 192, 111-119, 2013
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20