Applied missing data analysis CK Enders Guilford Publications, 2022 | 10388 | 2022 |
The relative performance of full information maximum likelihood estimation for missing data in structural equation models CK Enders, DL Bandalos Structural equation modeling 8 (3), 430-457, 2001 | 5829 | 2001 |
Centering predictor variables in cross-sectional multilevel models: a new look at an old issue. CK Enders, D Tofighi Psychological methods 12 (2), 121, 2007 | 5353 | 2007 |
An introduction to modern missing data analyses AN Baraldi, CK Enders Journal of school psychology 48 (1), 5-37, 2010 | 2040 | 2010 |
Missing data in educational research: A review of reporting practices and suggestions for improvement JL Peugh, CK Enders Review of educational research 74 (4), 525-556, 2004 | 1701 | 2004 |
A primer on maximum likelihood algorithms available for use with missing data CK Enders Structural Equation Modeling 8 (1), 128-141, 2001 | 1432 | 2001 |
The performance of the full information maximum likelihood estimator in multiple regression models with missing data CK Enders Educational and Psychological Measurement 61 (5), 713-740, 2001 | 978 | 2001 |
The impact of nonnormality on full information maximum-likelihood estimation for structural equation models with missing data. CK Enders Psychological methods 6 (4), 352, 2001 | 968 | 2001 |
Identifying the correct number of classes in growth mixture models D Tofighi, CK Enders Advances in latent variable mixture models 2007 (1), 317, 2008 | 883 | 2008 |
Using the SPSS mixed procedure to fit cross-sectional and longitudinal multilevel models JL Peugh, CK Enders Educational and psychological measurement 65 (5), 717-741, 2005 | 519 | 2005 |
Using the expectation maximization algorithm to estimate coefficient alpha for scales with item-level missing data. CK Enders Psychological methods 8 (3), 322, 2003 | 499 | 2003 |
Multiple imputation as a flexible tool for missing data handling in clinical research CK Enders Behaviour research and therapy 98, 4-18, 2017 | 425 | 2017 |
Analyzing longitudinal data with missing values. CK Enders Rehabilitation psychology 56 (4), 267, 2011 | 403 | 2011 |
Analyzing structural equation models with missing data CK Enders Structural equation modeling: A second course 2, 493-519, 2006 | 399 | 2006 |
Dealing with missing data in developmental research CK Enders Child Development Perspectives 7 (1), 27-31, 2013 | 397 | 2013 |
Professional development in inquiry‐based science for elementary teachers of diverse student groups O Lee, JE Hart, P Cuevas, C Enders Journal of research in science teaching 41 (10), 1021-1043, 2004 | 390 | 2004 |
A primer on the use of modern missing-data methods in psychosomatic medicine research CK Enders Psychosomatic medicine 68 (3), 427-436, 2006 | 357 | 2006 |
Missing not at random models for latent growth curve analyses. CK Enders Psychological methods 16 (1), 1, 2011 | 339 | 2011 |
Effects of cognitive strategy instruction on math problem solving of middle school students with learning disabilities M Montague, C Enders, S Dietz Learning Disability Quarterly 34 (4), 262-272, 2011 | 298 | 2011 |
A comparison of item-level and scale-level multiple imputation for questionnaire batteries AC Gottschall, SG West, CK Enders Multivariate Behavioral Research 47 (1), 1-25, 2012 | 284 | 2012 |