دنبال کردن
alexei tsvelik
alexei tsvelik
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نقل شده توسط
Bosonization and strongly correlated systems
AO Gogolin, AA Nersesyan, AM Tsvelik
Cambridge university press, 2004
Exact results in the theory of magnetic alloys
AM Tsvelick, PB Wiegmann
Advances in Physics 32, 453-713, 1983
Quantum field theory in condensed matter physics
AM Tsvelik
Cambridge university press, 2007
Experimental realization of a 2D fractional quantum spin liquid
R Coldea, DA Tennant, AM Tsvelik, Z Tylczynski
Physical review letters 86 (7), 1335, 2001
Long-range magnetic ordering in NaIrO
X Liu, T Berlijn, WG Yin, W Ku, A Tsvelik, YJ Kim, H Gretarsson, Y Singh, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (22), 220403, 2011
Antiferromagnetic spin ladders: Crossover between spin S= 1/2 and S= 1 chains
DG Shelton, AA Nersesyan, AM Tsvelik
Physical Review B 53 (13), 8521, 1996
Coupled ladders in a magnetic field
T Giamarchi, AM Tsvelik
Physical Review B 59 (17), 11398, 1999
Two-Dimensional Superconducting Fluctuations in Stripe-Ordered
Q Li, M Hücker, GD Gu, AM Tsvelik, JM Tranquada
Physical review letters 99 (6), 067001, 2007
Observation of non-Fermi-liquid behavior in U 0.2 Y 0.8 Pd 3
B Andraka, AM Tsvelik
Physical review letters 67 (20), 2886, 1991
Emergence of preformed Cooper pairs from the doped Mott insulating state in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
HB Yang, JD Rameau, PD Johnson, T Valla, A Tsvelik, GD Gu
Nature 456 (7218), 77-80, 2008
Measurement of the spin-excitation continuum in one-dimensional KCuF 3 using neutron scattering
DA Tennant, RA Cowley, SE Nagler, AM Tsvelik
Physical Review B 52 (18), 13368, 1995
A Chern-Simons effective field theory for the Pfaffian quantum Hall state
E Fradkin, C Nayak, A Tsvelik, F Wilczek
Nuclear Physics B 516 (3), 704-718, 1998
Disorder effects in two-dimensional d-wave superconductors
AA Nersesyan, AM Tsvelik, F Wenger
Physical review letters 72 (16), 2628, 1994
Field-theory treatment of the Heisenberg spin-1 chain
AM Tsvelik
Physical Review B 42 (16), 10499, 1990
Solution of then-channel Kondo problem (scaling and integrability)
AM Tsvelick, PB Wiegmann
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 54 (3), 201-206, 1984
Logarithmic operators and hidden continuous symmetry in critical disordered models
JS Caux, II Kogan, AM Tsvelik
Nuclear Physics B 466 (3), 444-462, 1996
Exact solution of the Anderson model: I
PB Wiegmann, AM Tsvelick
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 16, 2281, 1983
One-dimensional spin-liquid without magnon excitations
AA Nersesyan, AM Tsvelik
Physical Review Letters 78 (20), 3939, 1997
The thermodynamics of multichannel Kondo problem
AM Tsvelick
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 18, 159, 1985
Phenomenological theory of non-Fermi-liquid heavy-fermion alloys
AM Tsvelik, M Reizer
Physical Review B 48 (13), 9887, 1993
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مقاله‌ها 1–20