Perceived organizational support for safety and employee safety voice: the mediating role of coworker support for safety. S Tucker, N Chmiel, N Turner, MS Hershcovis, CB Stride Journal of occupational health psychology 13 (4), 319, 2008 | 407 | 2008 |
Apologies and transformational leadership S Tucker, N Turner, J Barling, EM Reid, C Elving Journal of business ethics 63, 195-207, 2006 | 153 | 2006 |
Transformational leadership and childrens' aggression in team settings: A short-term longitudinal study S Tucker, N Turner, J Barling, M McEvoy The leadership quarterly 21 (3), 389-399, 2010 | 138 | 2010 |
Work-related injury underreporting among young workers: Prevalence, gender differences, and explanations for underreporting S Tucker, D Diekrager, N Turner, EK Kelloway Journal of Safety Research 50, 67-73, 2014 | 136 | 2014 |
Sometimes it hurts when supervisors don’t listen: The antecedents and consequences of safety voice among young workers. S Tucker, N Turner Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 20 (1), 72, 2015 | 104 | 2015 |
Waiting for safety: Responses by young Canadian workers to unsafe work S Tucker, N Turner Journal of Safety Research 45, 103-110, 2013 | 102 | 2013 |
Safety in the C-Suite: How chief executive officers influence organizational safety climate and employee injuries S Tucker, B Ogunfowora, D Ehr Journal of Applied Psychology, 2016 | 98 | 2016 |
Young worker safety behaviors: Development and validation of measures S Tucker, N Turner Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (1), 165-175, 2011 | 96 | 2011 |
Individual safety and health outcomes in the construction industry B McCabe, C Loughlin, R Munteanu, S Tucker, A Lam Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 35 (12), 1455-1467, 2008 | 93 | 2008 |
Prevalence and demographic differences in microaccidents and safety behaviors among young workers in Canada N Turner, S Tucker, EK Kelloway Journal of Safety Research 53, 39-43, 2015 | 58 | 2015 |
Young workers S Tucker, C Loughlin Handbook of workplace violence, 417-444, 2006 | 56 | 2006 |
Prevalence of texting while driving and other risky driving behaviors among young people in Ontario, Canada: Evidence from 2012 and 2014 S Tucker, S Pek, M Morrish, J., Ruf Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2015 | 51 | 2015 |
Injunctive safety norms, young worker risk-taking behaviors, and workplace injuries S Pek, N Turner, S Tucker, EK Kelloway, J Morrish Accident Analysis & Prevention 106, 202-210, 2017 | 45 | 2017 |
Safety voice among young workers facing dangerous work: A policy-capturing approach S Tucker, N Turner Safety Science 62, 530-537, 2014 | 45 | 2014 |
Revisiting vulnerability: Comparing young and adult workers’ safety voice intentions under different supervisory conditions N Turner, S Tucker, C Deng Accident Analysis & Prevention 135, 105372, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
Transitions that matter: life course differences in the employment of adults with arthritis A Jetha, J Bowring, S Tucker, CE Connelly, KA Martin Ginis, L Proulx, ... Disability and rehabilitation 40 (26), 3127-3135, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |
Supporting arthritis and employment across the life course: a qualitative study A Jetha, MAM Gignac, J Bowring, S Tucker, CE Connelly, L Proulx, ... Arthritis care & research 70 (10), 1461-1468, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
report on work fatality and injury rates in Canada S Tucker, A Keefe University of Regina https://www. uregina. ca/business/faculty-staff/faculty …, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
Parents’ work injuries and children’s mental health: The moderating role of children’s work centrality N Turner, S Granger, S Tucker, C Deng, EK Kelloway Journal of safety research 77, 61-66, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
2021 Report on work fatality and injury rates in Canada S Tucker, A Keefe unpublished report, University of Regina 21, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |