دنبال کردن
Matteo Griggio
Matteo Griggio
Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Padova, Padova, Italy
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نقل شده توسط
Embryonic learning of vocal passwords in superb fairy-wrens reveals intruder cuckoo nestlings
D Colombelli-Négrel, ME Hauber, J Robertson, FJ Sulloway, H Hoi, ...
Current Biology 22 (22), 2155-2160, 2012
Males prefer ornamented females: a field experiment of male choice in the rock sparrow
M Griggio, F Valera, A Casas, A Pilastro
Animal Behaviour 69 (6), 1243-1250, 2005
Moult speed affects structural feather ornaments in the blue tit
M Griggio, L Serra, D Licheri, C Campomori, A Pilastro
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22 (4), 782-792, 2009
Armaments and ornaments in the rock sparrow: a possible dual utility of a carotenoid-based feather signal
M Griggio, L Serra, D Licheri, A Monti, A Pilastro
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61, 423-433, 2007
An experiment on the function of the long-term pair bond period in the socially monogamous bearded reedling
M Griggio, H Hoi
Animal behaviour 82 (6), 1329-1335, 2011
Male rock sparrows adjust their breeding strategy according to female ornamentation: parental or mating investment?
A Pilastro, M Griggio, G Matessi
Animal Behaviour 66 (2), 265-271, 2003
Moult speed constrains the expression of a carotenoid‐based sexual ornament
L Serra, M Griggio, D Licheri, A Pilastro
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20 (5), 2028-2034, 2007
Female house sparrows" count on" male genes: experimental evidence for MHC-dependent mate preference in birds
M Griggio, C Biard, DJ Penn, H Hoi
BMC evolutionary biology 11, 1-7, 2011
UV plumage color is an honest signal of quality in male budgerigars
M Griggio, V Zanollo, H Hoi
Ecological Research 25, 77-82, 2010
Female ornamentation and directional male mate preference in the rock sparrow
M Griggio, A Devigili, H Hoi, A Pilastro
Behavioral Ecology 20 (5), 1072-1078, 2009
Plumage maintenance affects ultraviolet colour and female preference in the budgerigar
M Griggio, H Hoi, A Pilastro
Behavioural processes 84 (3), 739-744, 2010
Female attractiveness affects paternal investment: experimental evidence for male differential allocation in blue tits
K Mahr, M Griggio, M Granatiero, H Hoi
Frontiers in Zoology 9, 1-8, 2012
Is the mirror test a valid measure of fish sociability?
S Cattelan, T Lucon-Xiccato, A Pilastro, M Griggio
Animal Behaviour 127, 109-116, 2017
Dual utility of a melanin‐based ornament in bearded tits
H Hoi, M Griggio
Ethology 114 (11), 1094-1100, 2008
Sexual conflict over parental care in a species with female and male brood desertion
M Griggio, A Pilastro
Animal Behaviour 74 (4), 779-785, 2007
Only females in poor condition display a clear preference and prefer males with an average badge
M Griggio, H Hoi
BMC Evolutionary Biology 10, 1-7, 2010
Extrapair paternity as a cost of polygyny in the rock sparrow: behavioural and genetic evidence of the ‘trade-off’hypothesis
A Pilastro, M Griggio, L Biddau, T Mingozzi
Animal Behaviour 63 (5), 967-974, 2002
Nest density, nest-site selection, and breeding success of birds in vineyards: management implications for conservation in a highly intensive farming system
G Assandri, M Giacomazzo, M Brambilla, M Griggio, P Pedrini
Biological Conservation 205, 23-33, 2017
Female ornamentation, parental quality, and competitive ability in the rock sparrow
M Griggio, V Zanollo, H Hoi
Journal of ethology 28 (3), 455-462, 2010
Broad‐front migration leads to strong migratory connectivity in the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni)
M Sara, S Bondi, A Bermejo, M Bourgeois, M Bouzin, J Bustamante, ...
Journal of Biogeography 46 (12), 2663-2677, 2019
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مقاله‌ها 1–20