دنبال کردن
Helder Gomes Costa
Helder Gomes Costa
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نقل شده توسط
Impacts of Lean Six Sigma over organizational sustainability: A survey study
JG de Freitas, HG Costa, FT Ferraz
Journal of cleaner production 156, 262-275, 2017
Introdução ao método de análise hierárquica: análise multicritério no auxílio à decisão
HG Costa
Niterói: HGC, 2002
Modelo para webibliomining: proposta e caso de aplicação
HG Costa
Revista da FAE 13 (1), 115-126, 2010
Auxílio multicritério à decisão: método AHP
HG Costa
Rio de Janeiro: Abepro, 2006
Prospective scenarios: A literature review on the Scopus database
AS Oliveira, MD de Barros, F de Carvalho Pereira, CFS Gomes, ...
Futures 100, 20-33, 2018
Métodos para avaliação da postura estratégica
MC Azevedo, HG Costa
REGE Revista de Gestão 8 (2), 2010
Impacts of Lean Six Sigma over organizational sustainability: A systematic literature review on Scopus base
JG de Freitas, HG Costa
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 2017
Criteria for assessing a sustainable hotel business
RA dos Santos, MP Méxas, MJ Meirino, MC Sampaio, HG Costa
Journal of Cleaner Production 262, 121347, 2020
ELECTRE TRI applied to costumers satisfaction evaluation
HG Costa, AFU Mansur, ALP Freitas, RA Carvalho
Production 17, 230-245, 2007
Sensibility analysis of MCDA using prospective in Brazilian energy sector
CFS Gomes, HG Costa, AP de Barros
Journal of Modelling in Management, 2017
Entrepreneurship in engineering education: A literature review
GB Da Silva, HG Costa, MD De Barros
International Journal of Engineering Education 31 (6), 1701-1710, 2015
Prioritization of enterprise resource planning systems criteria: Focusing on construction industry
MP Mexas, OLG Quelhas, HG Costa
International Journal of Production Economics 139 (1), 340-350, 2012
Analysis of the operational performance of brazilian airport terminals: A multicriteria approach with De Borda-AHP integration
PM da Rocha, AP de Barros, GB da Silva, HG Costa
Journal of air transport management 51, 19-26, 2016
Multi-criteria indicator for sustainability rating in suppliers of the oil and gas industries in Brazil
JFF Barata, OLG Quelhas, HG Costa, RH Gutierrez, V de Jesus Lameira, ...
Sustainability 6 (3), 1107-1128, 2014
Nonlinear programming applied to the reduction of inconsistency in the AHP method
V Pereira, HG Costa
Annals of Operations Research 229 (1), 635-655, 2015
Multicriteria decision aid methods applied to PPC problems: a mapping of papers published in Brazilian journals
DSS Rodriguez, HG Costa, LFRRS Carmo
Gestão & Produção 20 (1), 134-146, 2013
Bibliometric analysis of information systems related to innovation
F de Carvalho Pereira, HD Verocai, VR Cordeiro, CFS Gomes, HG Costa
Procedia Computer Science 55, 298-307, 2015
Application of an integrated decision support process for supplier selection
RA de Carvalho, HG Costa
Enterprise Information Systems 1 (2), 197-216, 2007
Application of multicriteria methods to the problem of choice models of electronic payment by credit card
CFS Gomes, HG Costa
Production 25 (1), 54-68, 2015
Mapping of the scientific production on the ITIL application published in the national and international literature
MD de Barros, CAL Salles, CFS Gomes, RA da Silva, HG Costa
Procedia Computer Science 55, 102-111, 2015
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20