Patterns of local autonomy in Europe A Ladner, N Keuffer, H Baldersheim, N Hlepas, P Swianiewicz, K Steyvers, ... Palgrave Macmillan, 2019 | 347 | 2019 |
Municipal amalgamations in the low countries: same problems, different solutions K De Ceuninck, H Reynaert, K Steyvers, T Valcke Local Government Studies 36 (6), 803-822, 2010 | 98 | 2010 |
Minor party and independent politics beyond the mainstream: fluctuating fortunes but a permanent presence C Copus, A Clark, H Reynaert, K Steyvers Parliamentary Affairs 62 (1), 4-18, 2009 | 91 | 2009 |
From princeps to president? Comparing local political leadership transformation K Steyvers, T Bergström, H Bäck, M Boogers, JM Ruano De La Fuente, ... Local government studies 34 (2), 131-146, 2008 | 84 | 2008 |
‘From the Few are Chosen the Few...’On the Social Background of European Mayors K Steyvers, H Reynaert The European mayor: political leaders in the changing context of local …, 2006 | 63 | 2006 |
Revolution or renovation?: reforming local politics in Europe P Delwit, H Reynaert, K Steyvers, JB Pilet Local Comparative Politics, 2005 | 57 | 2005 |
All politics is local, partisan or national? Local lists in Belgium K Steyvers, H Reynaert, K De Ceuninck, T Valcke Farewell to the party model? Independent local lists in east and west …, 2008 | 50 | 2008 |
Belgium: A Tale of regional divergence? E Wayenberg, F De Rynck, K Steyvers, JB Pilet | 47 | 2010 |
Political recruitment and career development of local councillors in Europe T Verhelst, H Reynaert, K Steyvers Local councillors in Europe, 27-49, 2013 | 44 | 2013 |
Towards DIY-politics. Participatory and direct democracy at the local level in Europe P Delwit, JB Pilet, H Reynaert, K Steyvers Comparative Local Politics, 2007 | 44 | 2007 |
Mayors in governance: Heading for efficiency and democracy? The Belgian case K Steyvers, H Reynaert, K De Ceuninck, T Valcke Local Government Studies 32 (4), 429-445, 2006 | 43 | 2006 |
A Place to Party?: Parties and Nonpartisanship in Local Government C Copus, M Wingfield, K Steyvers, H Reynaert | 42 | 2012 |
Family matters? Degrees of family politicization in political recruitment and career start of mayors in Belgium H Van Liefferinge, K Steyvers Acta politica 44, 125-149, 2009 | 41 | 2009 |
Local Political Leadership across Europe. Town Chief, City Boss or Loco President? H Reynaert, K Steyvers, JB Pilet, P Delwit Vanden Broele & Nomos, 2009 | 41 | 2009 |
Second thoughts on second-order?: Towards a second-tier model of local government elections and voting U Kjær, K Steyvers The Routledge handbook of international local government, 405-417, 2018 | 35 | 2018 |
Choosing coalition partners in Belgian local government E Olislagers, K Steyvers Local government studies 41 (2), 202-219, 2015 | 34 | 2015 |
Between Layman and Professional? Political Recruitment and Career Development of Local Councillors in a Comparative Perspective. K Steyvers, T Verhelst Lex Localis: Journal of Local Self-Government 10 (1), 2012 | 33 | 2012 |
When Strategic Plans Fail to Lead. A Complexity Acknowledging Perspective on Decision-Making in Urban Development Projects—The Case of Kortrijk (Belgium) T Block, K Steyvers, S Oosterlynck, H Reynaert, F De Rynck European Planning Studies 20 (6), 981-997, 2012 | 30 | 2012 |
Political leadership in issue networks: how mayors rule their world? B Denters, K Steyvers, PJ Klok, D Cermak Political Leaders and Changing Local Democracy: The European Mayor, 273-296, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
A knight in white satin armour? New institutionalism and mayoral leadership in the era of governance1 K Steyvers European Urban and Regional Studies 23 (3), 289-305, 2016 | 27 | 2016 |